What could Scapegrace type be? She says "ill" but she seems well enough to me. I think we should try to figure this out.

Here are my ideas. So if you have no idea at all, perhaps these will give you a start. If you are a Process type vs. result type, my result-first process will drive you crazy, so, might best skip down to the conclusion and agree or disregard):

There is a 6.5% chance she is any one of each of the 16 types.

I had her confused with ESI-Blackberry, until she or someone straightened me out. There is a chance that I got them confused because I saw them as similar. I don't know. I am confused. So based on that scrap of the chance that this is the reason I had them confused, I would say there is a 10% or more chance that she is an ESI.

Here is another scrap of info that lends to possible typing: Her Avatar is mindful of Anndelise's. Look:

Anndelise: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...vatar387_2.gif

(I meant to post them side by side here but I don't know how to).

So, look at that. They could be same or similar types. The pic looks Ti-valuing to me. Anndelise knows I think she is SEE, and she does not agree, but she can come up with her own theory on why she and Scapegrace have similar avatars. But based on MY theory, that could make Scapegrace a SEE. 10% sure!

Being a Negativist, I can eliminate some. Don't ask me to explain please, its just my intuition (also basing this on comparing to people of these types I do know well, and not having seen a resemblance with them):
- not IEE
- not SLI
- not LSE
- not EII
- not SEI
- not ILE
- not ESE
- not ILI

that narrows it down, for me, to only 8 type possibilities. So a 12.5% chance of those. So I will change the above percentages, downgrade a bit though since I might have the eliminations off, and conclude the following:

Scapegrace is ESI - 15% sure
Scapegrace is SEE - 15% sure
Scapegrace is LIE, SLE, IEI, LIE, LSI, EIE -11.7% sure