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Thread: Christy Moore (singer/songwriter)

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    Default Christy Moore (singer/songwriter)

    One of my absolute all-time favorites. Type, anyone?




    With Shane McGowan (<3)



    ”If I had to live again I would do exactly the same thing. Of course I have regrets, but if you are 60 years old and you have no regrets then you haven't lived.”
    ”As I have got older I have become more focused on words. I labour long and hard now over the precise words I sing. Thirty years ago I would take a song, learn it and just sing it but I can’t do that any more. I have to be at ease with every phrase and I search for the perfect word. I write out songs longhand and keep all revisions, sometimes over 20 or 30 pages. Even though it wrecks me sometimes, it’s a labour of love.”
    ”My main interest is my work, which is a blessing I suppose, but I do find it hard enough to let go. I like to walk, go to the cinema and theatre and do a bit of exercise. And I love sport.”
    ”Music has never become a job. When we are out on stage, that’s when we get our kicks,” Moore says. “I live in a cocoon of my own work and I am quite happy with that.”
    When asked while still wholly solo how he sustained the motivation to deliver such consistently compelling, charismatic shows, night after night, even after decades in the business, Moore replied by quoting an unnamed American comedian he'd once read about: "He said that before every gig, you have to remember there might be people in the audience who've saved up for weeks or months to buy tickets. Or there might be someone there who's very ill – this might be the last gig they ever see. Regardless of how you're feeling, it's your job to go out and do the very best you can.”
    Last edited by Kim; 10-18-2013 at 04:49 AM.
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