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Thread: Jim Henson's type along with Regis and Kathy Lee

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    Default Jim Henson's type along with Regis and Kathy Lee ...

    I am collecting celebrity interview and soon will have a special media section on my website of diffrent celebreties of diffrent types so people can view how the diffrent types behave.

    interview found here ...

    If anyone knows their types, please do tell ...

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    The video is 70 megs by the way ...

  3. #3
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Jim Henson

    It's Jim Henson's 75th birthday today. If you know, he'd still be alive.

    I didn't realize that he died so young. 53 years old, in 1990.

    The Real Jim Henson - Seeing Through What The Media Wants you To see.

    Jim Henson was a troll who wanted to see how much he could get away with scaring children and trolling people's empathy. Like most celebrities this was his super power. Celebrities are nothing but big trolls.

    His image is that he wants to be known as a humanitarian. But that's just his image. Like everybody's image it's a fake. Only a misty projection of what they want you to see as opposed to who they are. The substance core of Jim Henson is a perverted yet down to earth man who wanted to say shocking things to little kids to make them be scared. Woodsy and highly independent. His light side is his fatherly-ness and his humble-ness, but that's nowhere near as interesting as his dark side. Unless you're romantically attracted to the man, but I highly doubt that!

    Jim Henson often fought with other people on the set with how far he wanted to take the muppets. He wanted them to do sociopathic yet hilarious things like eat the kids and then burp narcissitically ala Matt Groening/Homer Simpson. The producers and higher ups were like "Oh please. I know you call yourself an artist, but we can't make a television show where little children get eaten." And then Jim Henson would get angry and call everybody a weak pussy on stage, and that the world is too spineless- ala K0rpsey or maybe Ashton.

    So Jim Henson had to cave in and instead trolled people on a subtle level. Grover is some scary shit. I've always been afraid of him when I was a kid. Bert and Ernie are just creepy, although like most celebrities he fully embraced homosexuality, as Jim Henson was quite homoerotic itself, and really enjoyed getting fisted in the woods. (Probably by Robert Reed) He had a wife and 5 kids but DON'T BE NAIVE!!! We all know that doesn't mean shit although to fully call himself gay isn't accurate either.

    He just didn't like when people got all politically correct and overly sensitive about it. He wanted to be able to just you know, be a man and smear his cock on your 5 year old little boy's face. Jim Henson don't care. Jim Henson don't give a shit.

    When you're that way in real life, your actual true self, you need other people to think you are a humanitarian. Just like the worst of bullies are hiding that they're really compassionate and empathetic, the best of humanitarians are always hiding the fact that they like to troll. And so Jim Henson's self-esteem and self-worth and love from other people required Emmies and Oscars.

    He wanted to find what couldn't be found in this life, so he died an early death. We all vibrationally choose our own time of death in this world, IMO, and he wanted to die young- the perfect age where you can still be sexy but not too old grandpa-ish. He wanted to be immortalized in that time frame.

    The common people will always think of Jim Henson to be one way, (aka the image that he projected on the world), because they don't know any better. Most people don't really like being insightful, they just like to be entertained without thinking about anything. It's no biggie, that's just the way people are. But I hope you enjoyed my article, on the real Jim Henson.

    May a muppet eat your souls.

    (Hitta smirks from his cloudy vantage point.)

  4. #4


    ISTp 9, perhaps. I loved the dude's work. I watched Fraggles, lol, which was, oddly, way before its times because it introduced complex social interworkings to children. It was definitely Delta, but I liked it.

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