Where are they? What do they like to do? Where can I meet one?
Where are they? What do they like to do? Where can I meet one?
I believe Olga on this forum is an ISFj, or at least has typed herself as such.
Like any type, ISFjs can be found in just about any career. In my experience, it seems that they're drawn to jobs such as project management or ones that are research-related. Other possible "typical" careers may include dentistry or child care. You can probably find them in just about any organization. They tend to be drawn to details; they like things to be done properly (e.g., according to solid academic standards) and on time (or well before they're due). But they typically have a softer edge when dealing with people than, say ISTJs.
At least those are my observations.
true. similar to INFjs i think regarding details and the like. (due to role maybe?)Originally Posted by Jonathan
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
isfj's at work can be found in sociology and criminology related fields, along with the social policy sector. they enjoy "ethicizing". i have no idea about suggestions for places to meet them. parties, maybe.
that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.
Agreed.Originally Posted by Jonathan
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
My wife is an ISFj and she's in the medical industry.
Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship
ISFJs are quick to jump to conclusions about everything around them, particularly people. You can catch them doing this quite easily, and in coversation if they ever hesitate and close their lips and you can almost hear them exhaling in what sounds like a sigh, their emotions have some how guided them to a judgement. Its pretty brutal because the males I know think they are the best shit to walk on this earth. They are obsessed with their own image, and enjoy making fun of the faults of others because they feel that their effort has payed off. They can be very very loyal friends, but if you are not their friend they treat you like lower class shit. They like to hang on to people by fish hooks and bait them in. Once the friend likes the ISFJ, the ISFJ will spend less time with them only when they know it will be the most beneficial for them. The ISFJ tends to hang out with people they feel are physically and/or mentally inferior to help bolster their image. They are not horrible people, but have an idealised image of themselves. They make fun of people way too much, even close friends.
Their main strength is they are loyal. No wonder the manipulative ENTJ loves the ethical game they set up for them, it works out perfectly. I dont mean manipulative in a bad way either by the way (just to stay on track here!).
{♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }
I don't know how many ISFJs there are (though probably not many), but ISFJs don't go out much. Their idea of a exciting evening is one in which they decided to make popcorn to eat while watching T.V. on their couch... in contrast to other nights in which they just watch T.V. on their couch. So I don't think it's easy to find them.
ISFjs are loyal, yes. I don't see that as their greatest strength though. I think their greatest strength is their sincerity. People who are not close to them will not actually see the true person, but if there is an ISFj in your life, you can count on him or her to just flat out tell you what their assessment of a situation or person is. There's no wishy washy bullshit or sugar coating or games or tip toeing around your feelings. If they think something is foolish, stupid, or wrong, they'll just say so. This is a bit harsh for some people, but in combination with the positive Fi qualities, such as the afforementioned loyalty or their family values, it makes them, imo, invaluable. Some of them also tend to "play rough" when it comes to joking around and whatnot. When people get offended because of their sincerity or style of humor, they will likely see the other person as being too sensitive and will be unsympathetic and unapologetic. ISFjs understand that a true friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. They also understand that it is not in a person's best interest to coddle them and overlook their weaknesses.
They may have strong values about how it is okay and is not okay to treat other people. For example, an ISFj may scold you for making fun of the way someone looks (even in their absence) or being unkind. If, however, that person is on their shit list, all bets are off.
ISFjs are also good at seeing that things get done when they need to get done. From what I've seen, they have a good memory for details, the type of stuff that's relatively important but easy to forget, such as something needing to be done, a person's name, a detail about an event such as an item that needs to be bought along, etc.
ISFjs are prolly most easy to recognize from their buttoned up appearance. They may be polite with strangers or those they don't know well, but they will not be familiar.
Actually, I hate it. Diverts energy that could be directed towards more...positive? happier? resultsOriginally Posted by IcEPiCk
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Rocky, the ISFJ I know (maybe this is at their younger ages I dunno)...
Loves going to the beach. Obsessed with self image, likes to show off what they have and what they know is appealing. Almost as if programmed to attract materialistic people, if Dad has a beamer must take it out to pick up the girls... Gotta shave chest before the beach is hit.
Condescending to feel better about ones self... and yet loyal. Thats the one thing I cant wrap my head around. I give up and avoid though.
{♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }
Rofl.Originally Posted by Joy
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
So where do I go to meet ESI's? Also, is there a characteristic VI component I should know to help me identify them?
Church, school, studying somewhere.
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
I find them in many areas, but I am certainly aware of their presence then I see their death stares pointed towards me anytime I talk.
on the pole with a FU-dirty-bastard expression
Someone once told me that they are often found working as funeral directors.
If you're an LIE, they will find/meet you. True story.
If they aren't swarming you, then you might be mistyped, gay or need to shower more often.
They love the devil, vote for Obama, and take vacations in France...
Socionics -
i don't really understand questions like this. people, regardless of type, generally go to work and buy groceries and take their dogs on walks and stand in line at the dmv and attend weddings. presumably you could find any type along the normal course of life events. i don't really know what kind of answer you're expecting.
that said, i've rarely encountered LIEs myself. maybe its just a matter of how we're typing people.
there is no characteristic VI component. tense comportment and shrewd looking eyes MAYBE.
uh... cause I like it. Actually, I was showing off my choice of what the forums name should be - socionics/the16types.info or something to that effect. I believe it was because hk wanted to incorporate the word socionics into the site name, but he also wanted to keep "the16types.info" so I thought "socionics - the 16types.info" seemed the best, especially if you use comic sans as the font. Anyway, I put it as my signature to sse if it looked good. ???
Socionics -
I don't think I have shrewd eyes. Shy at times maybe. Occasionally socially awkward at times when I tell a really dorky joke and realize no else thinks it's funny... Kind of put my foot in my mouth. But then again, when I'm comfortable around people I can be fairly charming. but uh, yeah, no idea where to meet 'em... a bank? my sister works with a few.
I don't really believe in VI. As for where to meet them... probably the same places you would meet anyone. Church, the beach, playing sports, bars, etc... I can't really say how all ESI's are but I am somewhat shy upon first meeting a person and it takes a while to warm up. It helps when the other person is more talkative and outgoing.
“No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov
I'm going to meet plenty of ESIs in about 20 mins. Give me your money so I can arrange you meet every single one of them, DJ.
They DO! That's why i'm so damn certain they're who I'm looking for. Thing is I didn't really know what I was doing with women or had any confidence until about 5 months ago so I'd always put them on a pedestal and gross them out, or they'd be pregnant with some other guy, or something always happened.
I had 2 of them talking to me at the same time about a month ago but one of them flaked and said that 9 years is too young for her...
I just want to increase my chances of meeting more somehow I guess.
And no, ESI's do not glare and look mean. They look very assertive though. and I fucking love it.
A while back I talked to one who was like, 6 inches taller than me, but the way she looked at me was amazing. She tended to stay in the back of the room and eye me from afar, I had to start most of the conversations. She'd talk to me while holding the fingers of her other hand. 6' 2 looking down on me but really shy. It was adorable. so I asked her out and she moved to chile.
Seriously I should have one by now but I'm a rutard.
My finance and accounting classes were chock-full of ESIs. However, they were mostly some kind of normalizing subtype enneagram-1 - not really the most interesting people on this world. My economics classes contained an equally high amount of ESIs, but those tended to be a bit more alternative and well, less stuck-up.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
LOL, talking to pregnant chicks.................................i can imagine that not working out.
well number one, don't ever be desperate. (not saying you are..but beware of how you're coming across),
and have a lot of confidence. it's always more charming to see the best part of someone and slowly be exposed to the nerdier/dorkier side so it becomes endearing and not annoying or a red flag.
Idk if it's type related but once a guy has my interest, I tend to pursue him... and make him think he's done all the work when things come together. biggest turnoff is when a guy chases after me..I like a lot of distance initially and a few ESIs I know see the same.. Se subtypes.
You'll find them bossing and imposing values on people. (Sorry, my manager is ESI.)
VI: conventionally good-looking, elongated jaw/chin, side-swept bangs, and glasses.
IEI 4w5
Do I still cross your mind?
Your face still distorts the time
ISFJ - do not say it in Meyers Briggs speak. Do you mean ESI?
Socionics -
(Back in 2006 when this topic was originally post people said ISFj and then it was FiSe until we finally learned how to do it the way you like.)
"[Scapegrace,] I don't know how anyone can stand such a sinister and mean individual as you." - Maritsa Darmandzhyan
Brought to you by socionix.com
<.< look for any situation where someone will do some amoral shit and the first person who jumps at the chance to tear that amoral shit's mind, soul and body to shreds will most likely be ESI ^^;. At the very least they will go from "pleasant looking person" to the "I will fuck you up!" indignant looking one. In my experience its very difficult for me to tolerate amorality and I have to control myself a LOT in order to not get "in your face and confrontational" or not to write off that person as "dead to me".
In my experience the tendency is t go from "live and let live" to willful assertion of personal ethics. From pleasant to commanding in an instant.
Last edited by Rim; 10-28-2012 at 08:03 AM.
Big5 rxUa|I| 6w7- 4 - 1 So/Sx
= Fear is a cage where you locked yourself up. Courage & faith in yourself is the key to freedom. =
= Shit happens. Realx and make the most of it. You can not control what is outside of yourself. =
Alignment: Neutral Good-ish / Snarky-Needy Bastard
Never met a "commanding" ESI in my whole life, even those who were in leadership positions seemed to be slightly awkward about it.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
I'm only agreeing with ESI in general terms as it seems to reflect the way I am as an individual. I'm not blind to the myriad of differences 2 people of the same type can have. For example I know another 6w7 -4 -1 and she is drastically different from how I am, thou we do share some commonalities. The thread called for something other then asserting my personal vision of what type of ESI I am.
I assume that since I'm ESI and the Fi description states this very clearly, most other ESI's will react the same way. For me its a complete switch from a more passive seemingly emotionless external state to a pissed off assertive one and yeah I'd call it "commanding" in a sense that I'll shove my ethics down your throat by force if need be, if you won't comply, either way I'll plot your demise ....its a very bad idea to piss me off. (I'm exaggerating to emphasize how volatile I actually become...must be a 6 thing "reactive").
^^ villeicht waren die nicht ESI oder die sind nicht wie Ich. Ganz einfach. I tend to take a more proactive counterphobic 6 approach to "restoring harmony".
Big5 rxUa|I| 6w7- 4 - 1 So/Sx
= Fear is a cage where you locked yourself up. Courage & faith in yourself is the key to freedom. =
= Shit happens. Realx and make the most of it. You can not control what is outside of yourself. =
Alignment: Neutral Good-ish / Snarky-Needy Bastard
That's fine, I just don't find most people I'd class as ESI as being as dogmatically rigid and reactive across a broad spectrum of situations as what's said in type profiles or the thoughtless stereotypes that are thrown around here. Many of these hackneyed caricatures of Type X as this or that are attempts by various persons to dissociate themselves from their own negative qualities and project them onto others. Other times it's just idiotic parroting that lacks any attempt to suss the nuances of how IEs manifest behaviorally and attitudinally in living persons of a particular type. So if in fact you "tremble with indignation at every injustice" then I'll accept that that's how you personally (and ostensibly) correspond with ESI, but in my experience that sort of militant vigilance doesn't ring true across the board. /$0.02
I found early on in the enneagram that negative qualities are good clues as to what type one actually is. They tend to be followed by horrid awakenings as to what one's real nature is. Sort of like a sudden objective glimpse into what one does and what one thinks one does. ESI or not, I am who I am and it manifests most clearly in my negative reactionary behavior. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not some self righteous angry maniac mindlessly attacking anyone who is amoral...but certainly tend towards that kind of behavior at times in a more rational manner.
Big5 rxUa|I| 6w7- 4 - 1 So/Sx
= Fear is a cage where you locked yourself up. Courage & faith in yourself is the key to freedom. =
= Shit happens. Realx and make the most of it. You can not control what is outside of yourself. =
Alignment: Neutral Good-ish / Snarky-Needy Bastard