Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
There's a fairly big difference between how I talk to strangers on a forum and how I talk to people I know, am on intimate terms with, and can see and interact with in real time. When I'm on a forum, I'm frequently at my driest.

But no, I wouldn't say my communication style is sincere, anyway. In my regular interaction, meaning not in a typing thread on a forum where I don't have a lot of history, I'm more focused on making an impact than I am on being sincere. I will twist the truth and exaggerate things, in order to have the desired effect. Usually the desired effect is to be entertaining, so that people will like me. That's practically all I think about when I'm interacting with people I want to be friends with: how to make myself be pleasant company (as well as the conflict this creates between my ego and persona as I find myself replacing the "real me" with a mask.).

Passionate? On the whole, almost certainly not. What are the other communication styles?

Modest and soft isn't something I look for in people's communication with me, although there are plenty of modest and soft people who wear those qualities well. Sincerity and passion are both good, as is respecting people's feelings. I'm not entirely sure what an ethical communication style is. It makes me think of someone who sits around talking about what they feel is right and wrong, probably in soft and deeply concerned tones, which is something that I tend to feel put off by even if my values are largely in line with theirs (and they're usually not).

One of my favorite people to hear talk is Anne Rice. She has several videos posted on Youtube. I think she is both sincere and passionate. I also like the communication style of Ayn Rand (who was a terrible philosopher and a very different person than Anne Rice) in the few videos she did; she mixes passion with structured thoughts and a strong, confident style. I also enjoyed watching the videos done of himself by Chris Crocker, who reminds me of someone I know in real life who really resonated with me.

As far as people who appear in a video format (which is what I'm trying to limit myself to, as that's the most revealing medium that I'll know any famous person from), those are the only ones I can think of who communicate in a fashion I find especially pleasing. Lots of the most enjoyable speakers are dead and inside books.

This is a really out-of-the-blue typing. Aside from the fact that my ideal romantic partner sounded to you like an EIE, what are some other things that you feel suggest LSI as my type? Before you answer, let it be known that I highly doubt I'm an Aggressor. Someone practically has to rape me if they're going to get me, because I'm too shy and insecure to act on my own.
The other communication styles are business-like and cold blooded. I don't think you fit business like either.