ILIs.... Whattaaa mess amirite?

I've a friend married to an ILI; it started out as drunken one night stand but he called her the next day. they hung out few times- clicked. she stayed bit distance until he showed increasing interest and it was pretty straight forward: he asked her after two weeks of dating if she saw herself with husband and kids, she said yes and he agreed... And they started to regularly see each other. It was long distance in that he lived 2 hours away but she moved in with him after 6 months of dating bc her roommate dappled in cocaine a few times and drug deelers came to her house so she packed her bags and stayed at her grandmothers and in her car and his place for a few weeks until her classes ended and he insisted she move in. They were married this year. Totally cool couple- they bicker but it's light and amusing. No games.

The only problem I remember her having with him early on was that his ex was still weasingly around in his life and sent him inappropriate pics when she found out he had moved on and contacted him often- he also called my friend by his exes name a few times by accident and she stormed out each time. They go back and forth with who wears the pants in the relationship.. So overall pretty balanced. She says he understands and she feels like such a better person for being with him. And he adores her.