Based on your personal opinion, which functions are the most accepted (or desired) in society (lets just say for American society)?
If you think its a combination of functions list them.
Examples would be nice too.
Based on your personal opinion, which functions are the most accepted (or desired) in society (lets just say for American society)?
If you think its a combination of functions list them.
Examples would be nice too.
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Se, Te, Fe in that order.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
Fe, unfortunately
Thank you guys, any more comments?
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Fe, then Se.
They both seem to be involved some way in social politness. Fe acts according to what others' are expecting of them, what social ethics are, and what's "proper". Se is the "angel" function. It reacts by recognizing authority/etc and adjusts accordingly.
So maybe this is why INTJs (and even INTPs) are usually seen as socially incompetant.
I would say...
Te (not always liked but respected and thus accepted)
ESFp and ISFj versions of Se
ESFj and ISFp versions of Fe (I'm not sure about the ISFp)
I can't explain why I came up with these choices. They just popped up.