My mom is ESFj to a t.

How can you get them to be more calm and open up more in intelligent, reflective situations? She's always on the go, always taking care of people etc. and it's like you can't ever really get to know the 'real her' because she's so busy.

She just wants to do everything that's accepted of society, but doesn't seem to have any deep meaning. Like totally shallow. She's caring, in a sense, but has a tendency to think that money is happiness.

I don't mean to bad-mouth my own mommy. *sniff* I should be shot. =(

I just want effective ways to get them to STOP already, instead of running around acting like they have to control everything. I can only catch her after she's been moving so hard she's zonked out. She always likes to push herself to the limit, and she does this even better than ESTps in a way because it's just so effortless for her.

(You could flip this around against me, and say ways to get me to go out more but usually that's already been done and it would be nice if the extraverted would suffer in this area a bit, so their shoes would go on the other foot so to speak.)