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Thread: weak functions

  1. #1

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    Default weak functions

    How have you personally seen weaker functions manifest?

    I have been mulling over how it seems to be obvious whether a function is someone's HA as opposed to their creative function.

    I havent yet been able to put it into words, and i cant do it with myself so well.

    I'd like it if we could get a list here if one doesnt already exist, or even if it does..

  2. #2

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    I have been mulling over how it seems to be obvious whether a function is someone's HA as opposed to their creative function.
    I think the creative function is generally quite strong...not weak at all...and it may be what's most prominant. For example, I think in INTps, there's often a tendency to argue a point based on logic () rather than to expect people to accept an intuition of it's own merit.

    I think you see weak functions whenever people are doing things they're not good at...people who aren't that good with people attempting to be social, people who heavily N trying to get something done around the house, etc.

  3. #3
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Default Re: weak functions

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    How have you personally seen weaker functions manifest?

    I have been mulling over how it seems to be obvious whether a function is someone's HA as opposed to their creative function.

    I havent yet been able to put it into words, and i cant do it with myself so well.

    I'd like it if we could get a list here if one doesnt already exist, or even if it does..
    I wrote something in response to a question Smilingeyes asked in another thread. The response to him seems to fit here as well. So I will paste it into here..with very slight modifications.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Scenario: I read something someone wrote. It could be a book, an argument, a statement of belief, other. I "happen to notice" a feeling that something about it is off, not quite right. This attracts my attention. In order for me to figure out what is wrong with the writing, I reread it closer, hoping to catch where specifically I feel that off feeling. Hopefully I am able to pinpoint where it is. Sometimes I am successful, many times I am not.

    If I can successfully find which areas of the writing give me that "off" feeling, then I look at the structure of the writing surrounding it. What is being connected to what and how is it being connected.

    At the same time…or something close enough to it…I ..hey..I try to see…I guess "try" does fit in with a P accepting, (at least when it's not the base)...I try to see where and how it applies to my own experiences, described experiences of others, and various readings I may have done on the subject. (This takes a lot of mental movements, mostly little scans of the same process above.)

    Once I see how well their "map" applies, as well as the structure of it, then I can usually finally pinpoint where the "error" is that I had noticed. Because of the sheer amount of work it takes to pinpoint it myself, I will only put this much effort into things of which I feel at least somewhat passionate about.

    How/If I attempt to point out the "error" depends on my mood, as well as what I think that the other person will respond well to. (At this point, one could say that my "Fi" has been developing a map behind my back.)
    * Usually I will try to use their own words/pov to lead them towards the alternative view I see. This often gets misread by outsiders of the conversation.
    * Other times I will just state as best I can what I see the problem as being.
    * Lately I have returned to asking questions that, if they attempt to answer, will lead them towards the direction of the "error". (or their answer will lead me in the direction of my own "error".)
    * If I am unable to pinpoint exactly where/what the "error" is, then I might respond with a "Something about that doesn't seem right" kind of answer….or not respond at all.
    * Note: I cannot do this kind of work when holding an actual real time verbal communication. So when I talk to someone in person, they get a lot of "that doesn't seem right". And, since I can't pinpoint the "error" at that time without more time and effort, my "feelings" get easily dismissed as being "irrational".

    Even now, as I reread this response, I feel as if something isn't quite right with my structure. As if x isn't necessarily leading to y and y isn't necessarily leading to z. Forming a map is difficult for me. This is the best description I am willing to offer at this time. I hope it answers your question.
    The above describes how I use Te and Si to compliment (round out) my NeFi.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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