Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
I don't listen to promises, I don't believe in promises either.
I see...
Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
I voted Obama because of decisions like Sotomayor, universal health care, the promise to eventually end the wars(which is happening), and the promise to try and close Guantanamo, which is being blocked by congress.
You don't believe in promises, you don't listen to promises, but you vote based on them. Right..
Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
Someone that doesn't make the promise I have no way of pressuring them.
So, tell me how can you pressure candidates? Maybe if you post something nasty on your Facebook they will reconsider their doings. Or wait, vote for a lesser evil! That'll show 'em! Those strategies could work..
Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
I don't live to be satisfied or to get promises fulfilled, I think that's a stupid way to live.
..but apparently you "don't live to" be satisfied by those politicians or get their promises through.
Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
Unfortunately, you don't seem to be that sort of person yet, I don't know how you will turn out, but I hope you learn something, maybe get past the juvenile propaganda worthy of despots but maybe that's not your goal.

Well I'm glad you're able to express your views without suppression and I'm allowed to express mine without suppression, given that in many places my defense and preference for democracy would involve me being tortured or killed and many other brutalities, maybe by someone who thinks like you.
So.. how do I think? I kinda thought I was big on the non-aggression principle thing but maybe you know me better.

I think I'm about done here. Sorry for the derail.