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Joy, Please bolden which traits of Se you do not have.
Jung's function: Extraverted Sensing
Socionics function: black sensing - force - volitional sensorics
outward traits of object - shape, old vs. young, worth or cost, appearance, energy of object, strength, readiness, willpower, mobilization
Positive(short range):
Deduction of authority, insubordination, protection, defense, retaliation, counterattack, hardness, upholding of the interests, strong-willed pressure from below upwards, will power, possession;
Negative (long range):
Capture of authority, submission, attack, aggression, attack, the initiative, persistence, insistence, strong-willed pressure from top to down, the statement of the interests due to others, overthrow, weakness, lack of will, mastering.
It's really hard to tell because of chronic low energy and depression. When I'm well, I'm very ambitious and push my way upward, regardless of whatever obstacles I may face. I make great strides toward my long term financial goals.
As far as my attitude about authority (gah I hate the A word), the only people who I ever consider to have authority over me are the owners of a company in which I have accepted a position. Managers are not my bosses. If I have a problem with them, I just do what I think I should do, and if I must, I will go over his or her head to higher management, human resources, the union, the owners, the government... whatever is necessary. I've done this type of thing over scheduling conflicts and whatnot... I do what I do because I have decided to do it, NOT because I am obeying (gah I have the O word).
Willpower... I am not good at getting things done unless there is long term financial benefit. I am absolutely
horrible at staying on top of everyday things such as chores, errands, and appointments. I cannot run fast or for any period of time because I have not trained my body to do so. I tried to quit smoking dozens of times before I actually stopped smoking. I have never been able to stick to a diet for more than a couple of weeks. These things all require too much effort.
Now as far as the outward traits of an object... I am a Home Inspector. I am a damn good Home Inspector. During inspections, I look at the entire exterior of buildings, including the roof (often by walking on it
); the entire interior of a building, including checking for water stains on the ceilings and walls, sufficient supply and return vents for the HVAC system, leaking drains and faucets, toilets that need to be re-sealed to the pipe, products which may contain asbestos, mold, the ventilation and insulation in the attic, fire hazards, smoke detectors, windows and doors, gaurd/hand railings, etc; the pluming, including the type of material and condition of pipes, water heater, laundry areas, and whether there are improper installations/repairs; the electrical system, including the presence or absence of GFCIs, miswired outlets, improper installation, bootleg service upgrade, double tapped breakers, etc; the foundation and structure (don't even get me started of everything that this includes); and the heating and cooling systems, including testing equipment and looking for problems such as infufficient combustion air, improper installation, condenser pan leakage, backdrafting, CO levels, cracked heat exchangers, asbestos insulation on ductwork, etc.
I could go on and on...
Basically, my job is to present myself professionally to clients (and a lot of people say they're not sure I even look like an adult) so that they'll be at ease. They are basing one of the largest decisions of their life on what I find and report on in a few hours time. I must be able to easily recognize and thoroughly explain many different types of problems. There is a great deal of technical knowledge involved.
A building is a system not unlike the human body. Changing one thing can cause dramatic changes in seemingly unrelated areas. An example of this would be a new owner using the fireplace frequently and a sudden growth of mold in the attic. There can be changes that take place over years of time, and it often takes experience, knowledge, and ingenuity to piece together these mysteries in a home. It's called building science.
Anyways... I love my job. Is it Se? Is it Te? Is it Ti? Is it Fe? Is it Ne? Is it Ni? I think it's all of the above.
Anyways, if I'm an ESFp, I'm a fuck of a lot more fucked up than I thought I was. What are ESFps good at? Prolly not many things I can call strengths.
Naruto is still my hero though.