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Thread: Article: INTp (ILI) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya

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    Default Article: ILI (INTp) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya


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    It's rather obvious that Strat is Gamma and portrayed an almost flawless pink colored glasses portrait of the type. I thought she was much more accurate than this. I'm dissapointed on this.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mila View Post
    It's rather obvious that Strat is Gamma and portrayed an almost flawless pink colored glasses portrait of the type. I thought she was much more accurate than this. I'm dissapointed on this.
    This is a psuedo-science. If you're expecting something akin to physics out of this you're barking up the wrong tree. Though there is a bit of overlap in concepts and history here.

    Isaac Newton was an ILI. He is better remembered as The Last of the Magicians rather than the First Scientists IMO. Us Gammas strive towards objectivity but I think the best of us become full on mystics in the same sense that C.S. Lewis became a Christian and Isaac Newton discovered Calculus in his search for the formula to create the Philosopher's Stone.

    Tolkien hit Mr. Lewis straight in the soul when he said that yes, Christianity is a myth. A myth that happens to be true. It is a most fantastical of stories that actually happened within our "objective" historical record. Christ was a real person who lived, died, and rose again.

    He is no fictional character. His myth is recorded in our history. It. Happened. What say you now if that be the case?

    This is the kind of discourse that speaks to me on a primal level. I'm just putting that out there before the internet goes down in about a week or two...

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