My view on this supposed paradox is that there are actually two interrelated factors being measured, preference and strength.

What labster is talking about ignores preference and only concerns strength and weakness.

The question of whether strength can change preference is uncertain, especially once one is set in one's development.

I will not speculate on how strength and preference are related but I will say it's likely not a causal relationship but a correlated relationship and the cause of both preference and strength are many and likely influenced by the enviroment. I do believe as many individuals develop, strength and preference converge.

Socionics is imo primarily concerned with preference and not strength, strength does not determine intertype relationships or whether nor does it determine whether a individual is conscious of that ability. Socionics is also not only concerned about ability but communication as the ego is the mechanism by which one communicates one's strongest abilities, and regardless of ability, the communication may not occur.

I think Labster's example is a weakness of many other typologies.

One simple experiment that you can try is try to verbalize about something on TV using your PoLR or even worse your Dual-seeking function. You will find it very quickly that you will encounter problems in this area, and have to go look it up probably by someone who is adept at that function. You can repeat this back in the future but when asked to spontaneously verbalize using your PoLR or Dual seeking function, there will be major problems.

Also you can look for examples of individuals crumbling under the pressure of the work. I currently have co-worker who is crumbling under the pressure of having to use his PoLR function constantly and without aid from others. It is causing a great deal of stress, worsening his performance and making him physically ill. Is this individual somehow stupid or incapable of what he is doing? That is far from the case, he has the ability and skills but the demand on his PoLR is creating so much stress, he's unable to use that ability. I am working to bring in another worker so this individual doesn't totally collapse. If you pay attention, you will see this sort of thing happening constantly as people are put under pressure and despite ability, they are incapable of performance.