particularly in topic subjects. seriously. wtf.
particularly in topic subjects. seriously. wtf.
Why, what's the problem?
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
theoretically, they should be all about elaborationOriginally Posted by vague
Why if no one's interested?Originally Posted by Joy
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Also many times I don't know where the line is between giving too much information and not giving enough.
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
as dj noted it is also displayed in phraseology (a yoda-esque idiom)
"How are you?"
Well, I believe.
subject tends to be secondary to DO
I've been told that speak and write in passive tense instead of the more "American" active tense.
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
there are also numerous cases of the subject and verb not agreeing and that type of thing...
"what frustrate you?"
in the past I just chalked it up to so many members for whom english is a second language
it always makes me cringe though
I believe that was an error in spelling rather than an uncommon grammatical structuring
that particular typo is just one example
if it is a typo then it is not an example...
only UDP has the affinity for ellipses. i thought it was for dramatic effect.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
i believe he does it to convey the process of searching for more precise terminology and to represent the way thought can "fly off" under its own momentum
it also seems the " " thing is quite popular among certain breeds
is that really a problem? It might be a problem if you dont understand what i was trying to say. Stop looking at the minor detail, the imorptant tihgn is to udernsatnd teh maening beihnd teh wrods. See that wasn't so bad.Originally Posted by Joy
by the way, when i m on msn my typing would be even more efficient than u think.
I am beyond irritated when people use things like "u", "luv", "2", etc. That is so, so much worse than simply having poor grammar.
Language is so flexible.Originally Posted by Fry
I think I do the Yoda thing because first, my mind comes up with an idea that needs to be conveyed, then it lists the individual words needed to convey the idea, then it screws up by randomly ordering the words in the sentence. I can be embarrassing.
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
good, Oyburger, you are so right on the point. We have the ideas in our minds, we try our best to put the scattered ideas into complete sentences, but it is tough to do.Originally Posted by oyburger
Joy, honestly, i am speaking from a mind of intj. I wish that I can write perfect sentences like you with no grammaricaly error. I am sorry that it didn't turn out the way you like how ideas being presented to you. I amdefinitely not trying to irritate you. People are different, thats the way it is, I have tried to accept the way they, I hope you can do the same. Does the name iPod irritate you? what about eMail, moto Razr, iMac, e-commerce, PS2, 911, porsche kayan, winxp?
Live Long, and Prosper
It’s quite funny when I get excited and try to talk fast. My sweet INFj mother used to tell me that my brain was working faster than my mouth. My ESTp husband says that its the opposite .
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad... and my grammar most certainly isn't perfect!
I have really shitty spelling, too.
? Not to long ago I was hearing how INTjs were sticklers for grammar?
Whatever. I personally don't like to write poorly..... but sometimes I am just too excited when I write. And I don't want to go back and look it over because my mind is already 300 words ahead, possibly on other another subject(s).
Joy, you can fix my grammar anytime. I don't mind it.
(I may not necessarily comply, but I won't be offended if you feel compelled to adjust something)
You could say... that I am irrational in my grammatic application, because it fluctuates with my mood. But then again, it has a lot to do with the priority level that I establish, too. (Kinda blurs the line between rational and irrational, no?) Eh, whatever.
Once again, how I use elipses aren't for dramatic effect.
Hasn't anyone of you ever played a final fantasy game - FF8 with Squall is a prime example.
And also, haven't you ever heard someone talk and think at the same time, with pauses between words or phrases? It just seems more natural for me to put in the elipses because it represents to me some space, or perhaps a notion that I subjectively know I am refering to and also know I cannot possible input it into that sentence or situation, but want to hold it's place anyway. I can see how it would make no sense on the other side of the screen, but so it is. Just ask me to explain what I mean, because I don't write for you unless I want to - I write for myself. And if you are persistent enough, or are worth it enough, then I'll make sure you know what I mean with certainty.
.... also,
it should be noted that I have really developed a great disdain for language in terms of communication. For anything in depth, I need to know a lot about my audience, especially in terms of individual to individual, because I need to know your language, and how to speak to you. I know what I am trying to say, even though it is always under revision even as I am speaking it to you. So... it is like this
1 what I have in my head, the idea
2 my language (culturally influence, what I've read, et al et al)
3a my understanding of the person I am speaking to (mass audiences are like a crap shoot or shotgun approach)
3b the accuracy of my understanding of the audience/others
4a My actual verbal speaking and other language (body, emphasis, eye, tone, etc)
4b Me thinking about what I am saying whilst saying or typing it
4c1 Me watching your reaction, or other reactions, etc
4c1 The instantaneous adjustments
5 Recalculation, recalibration, etc etc etc.
Of course, 3-5 are quite interesting in terms of online interaction, especially a message board.
PS: (! I remember the Sapir-Worf hypothesis from COMN 103!)
PPS:........ so as you can see, this post is actually somewhat of a good examplification...
I perosnlay bleieve taht sepllnig deos not raelly mttaer. The idaes exrpsesed are mroe ipmoratnt to me.
::nods:: Except sometimes it is not just randomly ordering the sentence, but also combining two similar words which would suggest two different sentence structures. This is also where I suffer in foreign languages. I never seem to have the word to fit the idea for which I'm looking.I think I do the Yoda thing because first, my mind comes up with an idea that needs to be conveyed, then it lists the individual words needed to convey the idea, then it screws up by randomly ordering the words in the sentence. I can be embarrassing.
My guess is that INTjs are "sticklers for grammar" more on the receiving end. The idea trying to be conveyed can be lost in a grammatically incorrect sentence.? Not to long ago I was hearing how INTjs were sticklers for grammar?
Johari Box"Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
"theoretically, they should be all about elaboration"
Theoretically, they are all about simplifying and getting "to the point."
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
not to be an attention whore, but i would like some feedback on my posts. they tend to be terse at times, but i think i convey the idea well. perhaps not well enough?
that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.
Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.
~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.
?? wrong thread perhaps?
I did this earlier today hahaha
I think they're fine. I'm afraid that mine are also terse, but I figure if someone doesn't understand something, they'll ask. Thats the way it works in real life.Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
[quote="UDP"]? Not to long ago I was hearing how INTjs were sticklers for grammar?
Whatever. I personally don't like to write poorly..... but sometimes I am just too excited when I write. And I don't want to go back and look it over because my mind is already 300 words ahead, possibly on other another subject(s).
That's the way I am. I just like to say what's on my mind, if it's correct, then it's correct. If it's not, then I'll apologize for it later if anyone notices.
Roboticist: Someone who conceptualizes, designs, builds, programs and experiments with robots.