i also have great memory of my dreams, and they are very vivid to me

i heard some people dream in black and white - i wonder how many can do that? i've dreamed in cartoon, both watching and being the character. mostly One piece (anime, he's made of rubber).

in the dreams i hate knowing who i'm with, without actually knowing who i'm with.

the better dreams are those that i can reset because they are dumb, or involve someone breaking or stealing something of mine. i can reset it there. i was so used to doing that, that when i broke my camera in the real world, i did try to reset it. it didn't work.

some times i can move things with my mind in dreams, or transport. i'm hoping that some how i'm convincing some dormant part of my brain that i can actually do these things. and be able to do them in the real world. i doubt it would ever happen, but i'd love to get a pen i dropped, open a door, or get the remote, without ever lifting a finger.