When talking with someone, I look them right in their eyes. Even when I'm attending a lecture and the lecturer is talking about something that interests me.
i've had a hard time looking someone in the eye. but now i'm getting better. ever since i learned about pupilometrics, the study of the pupil increasing in size if people find you attractive.

using this method, i can look them square in the eye. i've found some people seem to like it as they often look when i'm around. it may actual go on in a deeper level, but i still have to study this.

I have trouble falling asleep because my imagination gets more active when the lights go out. When I was about 11-14, I made up stories and visualized them. It was more about the characters than the story itself. When I was 16, I wrote many short stories.
i can usually fall asleep ok. however (it only happened twice), when 5 songs were playing in my head at the same time, 12 different thoughts, etc. my body spasmed, i heard what sounded like an explosion, and it was silence. i thought i broke my brain. but it seems to be a reset of some kind. hopefully nothing bad will come out of it in the future.

my dreams however are very intensly detailed. i can often have lucid moments. or try to make sense of the dream by anylzing it as if it were real life. i remember once looking for a date and location, but couldn't find it on a label. or i'll have dreams of the same location but from different areas, or different times (with aging in the middle).

I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)
this annoys me more when they get other's involved. like a child or a pet.

other little quirks. (besides being a really bad speller). i have a catalog of millions of sounds in my head. i can tell you simply by listening to something what might be wrong with it.

i'll come up with the conclusion of what a manager might of said to us, months before anyone else figured it out. if i tell them what they really meant, and what will happen - they never believe it until it really happens exactly the way i said it would.

i'm finding that even some of my managers are afraid of me. they talk down to others, but in some cases, he almost seemed like he was kissing up to me.

i'm a pack rat, and have everything. but since i remember in pictures and motions - i will tell you exactly where it should be down to the inch.

i tend to forget things if i do the same thing over and over. like locking the doors, i need to readjust my routine in an obsessive/compulsive way. but then i do the chant, and don't do the action. or use the wrong action for the wrong event.

i have a tendency to tell someone what i think of them if they ask. like someone was looking for pity sympathy, telling me how she was so much older than myself. i agreed with her. she wasn't expecting that, she laughed - after all i should agree with my elders....