A few things I have to say that may need to be said here:
First, alot of what I do on this forum is theoretical and experiemental. I see approaches, variables, items, methods, etc. that coincide and I like to put them together and see what they do.Some of it may be way off, some of it may be way on ... its is hard to tell unless you actually try to do something with it. You know, when you theorize a list of variables and definitions and they can all apply, then how are you going to know whether you do anything with it? Has it ever occured to anyone that I experiement alot on this forum? Has it ever occured to anyone that I can not aim for complete accuracy, because it is impossible? It might do some of you good to lower your standards just a little, simply because people just can't pan out things you'd agree with all the time. It is obsurd to shove anyone into a neat little box like that and actually have anything good come from it.
Second, a few of you have absolutly nothing good to say and just come off as flamming bigoted jackasses to everyone virtually all the time. Actually, alot of people in this forum are like that. It isn't very conducive to any actual discussion of issues. It seems every time I try to strike up some sort of controversy over such a such a thing, I either obviously get a bunch of people who arn't sure whether they agree or not, yet can add something positive or constructive; or I get the degrading trolls who come in and say absolutly nothing viable probably to feel better about themselves. I prefer the former people.
And third, I have absolutly no problem challenging the established 'norm,' which means that I have no problem challenging people who think they are such and such a type. However, I never intend to do so with the intent to degrade a person or to totally run over them, which I have seen people do. I have absolutly no problem with 'conflict,' and I have absolutly no problem with other people 'disagreeing.' Even further, I have absolutly no problem with people concluding that they can doubt my abilities 'meerly because I disagree with a matter of commonly accepted terminology.' You are certainly welcome to do all of that, but the least people can do if anything at all is to keep an open mind. No just for my sake, but because it is what learned people do. I can not do this for you.
Make any conclusion you want out of this, I just hope some of you will see now what it is you are actually doing and hopefully quit, or keep it up if you are doing something positive for everyone.