Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
She does like to initiate, I don't view myself as desperate and needy, just persistent and comitted.
Two sides of the same coin. She doesn't seem to be the eager to see you but she likes to keep you around for some reason.
I hope that "Michael" isn't one of the men you discouraged since then it would be even more likely that those women would have agreed to give you that cue deliberately. If she was interested in you, she'd want them to explain her absence more discreetly, even if she would have been gone with "Michael". But maybe you could go and find this Michael and then confront that hot 'n' cold bitch with a self-satisfied smile and bruised knuckles, .

It sounds like a sore loser's strategy to focus on barking away the competition as the sole idea is to overcome it. But what do I know, I'm an infantile so I am in short of commitment, persistence and a cook.