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Thread: My turn! INTj or INFj

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    Default My turn! INTj or INFj

    I must be allowed to have my 15 minutes of doubt just like everyone else, right?

    I'm still pretty sure I'm INTj, but I would like to double check what you folks think.


    I consider myself a passionate person more than an emotional person. My feelings tend to be volcanic, simmering, boiling over sometimes. My old signature "My fever burns me deeper than I've ever shown to you", a quote from Fiona Apple's "Never is a Promise", describes me very well.

    I'm a bit high-strung and if I mess up or feel insecure about something and start to freak out and get nervous, a calm, firm, objective "it's ok" does more for me at these times than any amount of kindly, well-meaning, but unfounded assurances (ie. "you'll do fine").

    My ISTp and ESFp sisters tell me that I'm definitely a thinking type, not a feeling type, but the ESFp also said that she's never seen me depressed, and I've felt depressed plenty of times, so it makes me wonder if I just hide it too well. (Though I tend to isolate myself when I'm feeling that way.)

    I'm not as empathetic as I would like to be, I don't really jump in to help people, sometimes because it just doesn't occur to me to do so. I'm not really a lover of animals or children.

    I used to write alot of poetry, still do sometimes. It tends to be pretty emotional (especially the ones from my "teen angst" period ), but I also like to play word games with it. I'll include a short one for writing style purposes (and because I like to show it off :wink.

    Stinging grease paint in my eyes
    I damn much denied tears inside my
    Face frustration of my own
    Imagination, inexorable stone
    Hard I strain against reflection
    Self-esteem versus self-correction
    Walls that hold back, none for leaning
    Continue mute gesturing devoid of meaning
    Another point is that INTjs aren't supposed to care if anyone doubts their intelligence (or am I mistaken and that is a MBTI thing?). It REALLY bothers me. Once when I was younger someone called me "retard" (I accidently ran into them or something) and it tore me up for days. It bothers me to give my real opinion on things because I'm afraid someone will refute it and make me feel stupid. Lastly, I used to fear losing games or doing badly on tests (better now).

    Okay, that's it for now. Probably these things just confirm that I'm INTj and that INTjs aren't the emotionless thinkers people often think we are.

    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  2. #2
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    No, you are definatelly a T .. I have seen you argue points and you are very firm and direct. A woman with F would just sit there and whine like it was unfair that someone argues with her often irrationally. I have not seen this from you at all.

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    Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... I wouldn't go to that extreme (that's pretty funny though) but yeah the way you talk is most definitely T.

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    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


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    Default Re: My turn! INTj or INFj

    Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
    I must be allowed to have my 15 minutes of doubt just like everyone else, right?

    I'm still pretty sure I'm INTj, but I would like to double check what you folks think.


    I consider myself a passionate person more than an emotional person. My feelings tend to be volcanic, simmering, boiling over sometimes. My old signature "My fever burns me deeper than I've ever shown to you", a quote from Fiona Apple's "Never is a Promise", describes me very well.
    I think you are an INTJ too. A few comparisons:
    My feelings tend to be more steadily bubbling, always present, but hardly ever boiling over.

    I'm a bit high-strung and if I mess up or feel insecure about something and start to freak out and get nervous, a calm, firm, objective "it's ok" does more for me at these times than any amount of kindly, well-meaning, but unfounded assurances (ie. "you'll do fine").
    I think this goes for most of us, probably not type-related.

    My ISTp and ESFp sisters tell me that I'm definitely a thinking type, not a feeling type, but the ESFp also said that she's never seen me depressed, and I've felt depressed plenty of times, so it makes me wonder if I just hide it too well. (Though I tend to isolate myself when I'm feeling that way.)
    Often your siblings really know you better than anyone else - and more objectively than your parents - listen to them. We all get depressed at times, and INTJs and INFJs can be quite similar too.

    I'm not as empathetic as I would like to be, I don't really jump in to help people, sometimes because it just doesn't occur to me to do so. I'm not really a lover of animals or children.

    I used to write alot of poetry, still do sometimes. It tends to be pretty emotional (especially the ones from my "teen angst" period ), but I also like to play word games with it. I'll include a short one for writing style purposes (and because I like to show it off :wink.

    Stinging grease paint in my eyes
    I damn much denied tears inside my
    Face frustration of my own
    Imagination, inexorable stone
    Hard I strain against reflection
    Self-esteem versus self-correction
    Walls that hold back, none for leaning
    Continue mute gesturing devoid of meaning
    I like your poem. :wink:

    Another point is that INTjs aren't supposed to care if anyone doubts their intelligence (or am I mistaken and that is a MBTI thing?). It REALLY bothers me. Once when I was younger someone called me "retard" (I accidently ran into them or something) and it tore me up for days. It bothers me to give my real opinion on things because I'm afraid someone will refute it and make me feel stupid. Lastly, I used to fear losing games or doing badly on tests (better now).

    Okay, that's it for now. Probably these things just confirm that I'm INTj and that INTjs aren't the emotionless thinkers people often think we are.

    I am more afraid of demonstrating my knowledge, countering others' arguments, or being a hopeless smartass, an obsessive-compulsive know-it-all, (you may have noticed some tendencies) - but being corrected about things I am wrong about does not really bother me that much. And according to socionics theory: Moreover, INTJ's logic is their area of confidence and conservatism. For INFJs being corrected about flawed logic is usually not that big deal, you live and learn, so to say.
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

  6. #6
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Ive always seen myself as more of a passionate/emotional person than a cold rational person too. Im not sure that means anything.

    Look at it this way: Where does your locus of control lie? If you have a problem, do you find it easier to escape into a relationship? Or to analyze a situation? Because a T type would probably find it easier just to analyze a situation as a form of defense while an F type would probably find it easier to take care of a relationship problem than analyze a situation.

    I could be wrong on this, as I am neither INTJ or INFJ, nor an expert, but I think thats a good question to ask yourself.
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    I don't know any of you except rmcnew, but this sounds slightly interesting. The fact that you don't seem to care much about helping people pointys toward an INTP because even INTJ's feel some sense of moral obligation. Now I am an intj and there are a couple of things that piqued my curiousity:

    I consider myself a passionate person more than an emotional person. My feelings tend to be volcanic, simmering, boiling over sometimes. My old signature "My fever burns me deeper than I've ever shown to you", a quote from Fiona Apple's "Never is a Promise", describes me very well.
    I'm not really a lover of animals or children.
    I like animals and kids and I don'tsee why an INTJ wouldn't but neither have I heard of an INTP who was passionate. All I can think of is did you have any pets or siblings growing up?
    I also have never heard of an INTJ who had any problem with self confidence except when we are in the process of self evaluation since we have high standards for ourselves. Our confidence is based on ourselves and not what other people think of us.
    Now I looked up the INTP on and it did say they could argue well about something they believed, and that theysometimes had a kind of sense of impending doom I think is how they worded it.
    Now about the INTJ analying something as a defence, that's not very true.I and other INTJ's I talked to on other threads tend to focus on trying to protect the other persons feelings as a primary form of defense. Any analyzing done is usually done for the purpose of avoiding future problems like the one the person just encountered.
    Anyway, remember the personality type is a generalyzed thing because even withing a personality type practically each person had at least slightly different circumstance during the formation of their character, so there will always be a whole scope of subtle or slight differences. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Waddlesworth's Avatar
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    I really don't doubt you are INTj. I know alot of INTj females and poetry, writing and creativity are all important things to them. One INTj I know told me that she(i obviously like hanging around female INTj's) doesn't say what she is thinking because she is "always wrong". Now she isn't, but somewhere along the line someone gave her alot of criticism which crushed her confidence in her judgement.

    I definitely get the impression that INTj's often doubt their intelligence and/or ability to "think" creatively. They can, from appearances, become very jealous of the accomplishments of others in this area since it makes them feel feeble and worthless.

    Its all in their heads though. I envy most INTj's I meet in many ways.

    You also aren't soft, which is very clear in INFj's. Curious Soul is so tender it is to the point where I get a "feminine" impression of him(not that he is the final say, but it must have alot to do with type). It's no offense, its a relief to find softness in anyone.

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