first reaction - "wtf is this shit"

after a few minutes - "ah ok this is the Alpha NT thing with sticking new word labels on a system"

I don't even think about names and shit like that. Names are just there to verbally distinguish a "this" from all that which is "not this", the actual containers will have the same shit in them regardless of what label's slapped on them. That said, I like the Se, Te, Ni, etc., those abbreviations; they're space-efficient, easy to write on a computer, the letters correspond to the stuff really well unlike the even shorter P, E, F, I, R, etc., and are free of pompous, snobby ass Latin too. As for type names, I like the three letter ones; they separate Socionics from MBTI, and they make it more difficult to just quantify "E", "S", "P", or whatever, at the expense of all else.