6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
I really feel sorry for her, that guy is such a jerk. I was listening to it and I really want to punch that guy in the face because of his shitty attitude. How dare they make fun of her on the radio....
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
Barf! Do you know who she is?
I have heard the name and I have googled her briefly, but no, not really.Originally Posted by Jadae
It doesn't matter. I would still shoot the guy first.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
How did you go from punching to shooting?
If she had half a brain, she would know better than to show her "face" on American talk radio--especially his. But beyond that, she was rude. She commited to a responsibility and fell through which most likely caused the show timing issues.
He's ESFp, imho.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
She was also pissed off. She has a schedule, and that guy gave her the wrong number. It must have ruined her plans for the day. She seemed very annoyed. They guy was rude.Originally Posted by Jadae
Oh, did I go from punching to shooting? Oh! What ever shall we do?! Oh no!
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
May I be the first to say it? Fe is evil, ISFps the conflictors of the most greatest leaders of all times the almighty + smart, rich (and still funny) ENTjs are rude and mean.
ADAM CAROLLA: Ann Coulter, who was suppose to be on the show about an hour and a half ago, is now on the phone, as well. Ann?
CAROLLA: Hi Ann. You’re late, babydoll.
COULTER: Uh, somebody gave me the wrong number.
CAROLLA: Mmm… how did you get the right number? Just dialed randomly — eventually got to our show? (Laughter in background)
COULTER: Um, no. My publicist e-mailed it to me, I guess, after checking with you.
CAROLLA: Ahh, I see.
COULTER: But I am really tight on time right now because I already had a —
CAROLLA: Alright, well, get lost.
Where exactly does it say that Adam gave her the wrong number? Somebody does not mean Adam. And "Tight on time?" There is an implication that her time is more valuable that his. Quite honestly, if youre not an abulance driver, surgeon, etc, then this is absurd.
I repeat-- Barf! to her. None the less, I still would not "shoot or punch her." ......
I have no idea who he is. From the very brief interaction, ESFp is more likely than ISFp, I agree.Originally Posted by FDG
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
She is a media junky--another spintress of useless verbal stomach fluid for $bling$. Adam is another media junky-- a talk/comic type.
I know who Ann Coulter is, and I have typed her as ENTj.
I don't know who he is.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
he's ISFp. i think you have these two types confused. the goofy, generally jovial ones are ESFp. the ones that turn negative very quickly and are generally pessimistic are ISFps. ESFps seriously don't do shit like that. they'll give you a "look" and act a little irritated but straight up hanging up the phone like that???Originally Posted by Expat
ISFjs are pessimistic, too, but they won't do things like that in public. remember:
ISFp does the opposite shit, basically.#
# Enemy must envy. He never reveals his wrath and fury, but remains emphatically polite and self-satisfied. Only a good friend can see him bedraggled and not sufficiently careful. He is always "totally buttoned up", internally mobilized, extremely intolerant to untidiness and disorder.
does anyone know ESFps and ISFps well enough to help me out here? that dude is not ESFp. that reaction is amazingly ISFp.
IMO an ESFp/ISFj would have countered the "someone gave me the wrong number." bit by turning it into a joke. ESFps are better at saving face.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Adam Corolla, the guy from love line? I'd go with ESFp, honestly... I don't actually KNOW him. I've also found ISFps to be less confrontational than that, in my experiences.
she's supposed to blow off someone else she has an appointment with because someone at his show messed up? I'd say the fact that she went through the effort of getting the right number from her publicist is more than they deserved. I'm with kristiina... "She has a schedule, and that guy gave her the wrong number. It must have ruined her plans for the day. She seemed very annoyed. The guy was rude."Originally Posted by Jadae
Well, I don't know him at all, so I'm just using that very brief interchange.
Yes, ISFps are negative and impulsive, and they could act like that if annoyed. But they also dislike open confrontations, unless - again - they are very annoyed to start with.
And I disagree about ESFps -- ESFps are proud of their feelings.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
He is, like I said, a talk host/comic. He has been on Love Line with Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla for YEARS. He and the doctor assessed sexual issues of callers in medical, cultural and comedic terms over the radio. The doctor, btw, is most often typed as INTj. Im sure INTp is possible, too. He had his own TV show in Comedy Central. Now he has a radio show.Originally Posted by Expat
btw, I am sure that you could find video clips of him on the net. He is quite popular here.
I agree with Jade. If you are phoning to a TV show, you can't be annoyed if the guy receiving is not responsible for the fact that you have got the wrong number. I disagree with his reaction, but I can see where he was coming from.Originally Posted by Joy
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
yes, but generally not to the point of (metaphorically) showing their ass in public.Originally Posted by Expat
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
"COULTER: Uh, somebody gave me the wrong number. "Originally Posted by Joy
Where does it say that THEY gave her the wrong number? And 1.5hours late? It is a phone number--not a round trip to Home Depot for 5 pieces of lumber, a dog house, a new kitchen light and a garden hose.
from what I've seen:Originally Posted by implied
an irritated/angry ESFp will use Se and get a "fuck you" attitude. in person, it could easily turn into a physical altercation. it does seem more likely that an ESFp would want to engage the person than just hang up on her, but who knows what the story there is...
an irritated/angry ISFp may respond more like we saw there, but I see more of a passive aggressive response... refusing to take her call, keeping her on the line but making it rather unpleasant for her, etc. HOWEVER, if she is ENTj (and I very much think she is), it would have been more difficult for him to suceed in his passive aggressive tactics because she would not allow it the games and would approach his tactics directly. refusing to take the call may have been out of the question do to the underlying politics of the station. this does seem like a possible ISFp thing to do.
an irritated/angry ISFj would do one of two things. he would either become extremely polite and courteous as a defense or would strike a fast and hard verbal blow.
so yes, based on what we saw there, ISFp does seem most likely. HOWEVER, I do not think he is ISFp. I've listened to him on love line, and I think he is an Exxp type, and possibly even an ExTj. It's tough to say based on just what you here on the radio... In that situation, an ExTj may have been irritated enough by the whole thing to do exactly what he did.
I'm guessing there's a story behind what happened. Maybe he had a shitty day and didn't feel like dealing with her. Maybe HIS schedule would no longer allow time for her to speak. It's possible that the whole thing was a stunt. The world may never know.
I'm guessing there's some sort of media politics going on that we are not aware of.Originally Posted by Jadae