What is a male victim supposed to do with a female aggressor?
Bend over and take it. The strap-on, I mean.

Quote Originally Posted by Slacker View Post
This isn't an issue related to Socionics at all, IMO. Or at least it's only partly potentially about Socionics. But anyway . . .

How you approach women is only half of the issue. The other half, and maybe more than half, is that you approach the right women. The ones who don't respond to how you are naturally are probably not the right ones for you. Maybe you've been going after women who are not terribly compatible. I'd forget about Socionics and how to use it to try to create some kind of advantage, and just open up and consider a wider variety of women- see if there are girls you've been overlooking. My guess is you're chasing after the wrong girls.

So anyway I'd be natural, and if how you've been approaching women feels natural to you then do that, but be open to considering other girls as possible dates. The ones who respond to how you approach them naturally might be more compatible anyway. The ones you are currently not having luck with might not be as compatible.

Be yourself!
Thank you Slacker for this great advice. I knew there was something wrong with my strategy!