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Thread: In Which You're All Invited to Discuss My Typing

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  1. #11
    FoxOnStilts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3
    For what it's worth, I didn't think it was an Fi-polr trap. My last post reeked of it.

    Anyway, I didn't have a lot of trouble that I imagine L females do regarding emotions, because I think my mother is a gamma NT, so she wasn't very emotive either. I didn't struggle with trying to fit into culturally-defined female roles in that sense. I possible come off as more emotive in my expressions because I'm very talkative and charming, but it's also worth noting that most of what I say is shallow in the sense that it doesn't touch on emotions or how I feel about other people at all. It's more "WOW and then THIS happens and THAT happens and we could do that, but this will prevent that from happening so maybe if we do this instead..."

    But even that's only if I'm comfortable with the person. If I don't know them very well or have any kind of encouragement from them, I can be standoffish until they do something to show or say that they like the way I think. Unfortunately, I feel like I think differently than most people, and growing up in a gamma household made me a bit cautious on expressing myself and my ego functions, so I'm very suspicious of people for the most part. Again, this goes back to making it hard to get to know people, because I'm very closed off and standoffish unless they make some effort on their part first, which people aren't wont to do with someone standoffish. It's a catch-22.

    But yes, I might come off as "emotive", but the content of what I say isn't at all either way. I hope that answered? Not totally sure. I don't really know what it means exactly to be "emotive". If you mean how do I deal with my emotions...errr... I tend to feel things and have no idea what they are. I'll just notice I'm acting differently and need to seclude myself until I realize, "OH, this is what being sad feels like!" or "Right, I guess I'm angry." And then it takes even longer for me to identify a cause. It helps if I have someone to talk it out with who is more adept at that sort of thing to pinpoint what I'm feeling and the cause, but I'm only close enough to one person to do that, and I often convince myself that they don't really care about me talking about that shit anyway and don't bother explaining.
    Last edited by FoxOnStilts; 05-27-2012 at 03:37 PM.

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