I don't want to come across like an ass here so please don't take my post in a cruel way since a lot of people on here can sound downright mean and sociopathic. Anyway:

You're using a common mbti fallacy. Many EP types are shy and unsure of themselves socially. Likewise there are IP types (usually thinkers IMO) who are confident socially and hang with a lot of people easily. Take Oz from Buffy as an example. He was chillax and talked to people with ease and confidence. I agree with Gilly that your eyes are Ne-ego.

Also just work on trying to get out of yourself slowly, which you are doing now by asking for help. You are a classic introvert (different from socionics introvert) and you have your crazy wild selfish romantic dreams, but you don't want others to crush those dreams. An entj told me once that in order to get a friend, I had to be a friend. I was annoyed that she was supervising me, BUT SHE WAS RIGHT.