Here are the reasons I might be an ILE:

I like understanding how things that interest me work. I believe everything happens for a reason.

The reason I think I'm not an ILE:

They tend to argue for the sake of arguing which I don't do. I try to end arguments.

The only legitimate reason I'm convincing myself I may not be an EP temperament is because I don't get things moving like an instigator.
@Gravolez , The only reason I'm asking for clarifications and trying to approach this subject because its important enough to me that I get the right answer. Getting the right answer just seems so important for some reason.

I think people on these typology forums and in real life TAUGHT me how to communicate with more precision and clarity rather than it being a personal paramount need, so it must be valued somehow...

What's paramount to me is finding what's most interesting and picking the right paths...

Because I want to pick the right path and there is no absolute answer I can choose (because everyone has a different opinion on how the system works), this makes this system difficult to work with, seeing how I fit into a whole picture relative to other people.