Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
I'm a possible 6w7 so my take on this is that only a couple things have really helped in lowering anxiety. Number one is meditation and I notice a big difference on the days I do meditate and the days I don't. It's like night and day almost really, Jekyll and Hyde. Next is exercise and not only does it lower one's anxiety, but it also does an excellent job at improving mood. The last is taking vitamins and the ones that seemed to help for me are Omega 3 and Vitamin B12, but it takes at least several weeks to begin noticing a difference.
Aggh! I have told her to try meditation so many times, but she never listens. I even bought her a meditations KIT, and I don't think she's even opened it. I doubt she would exercise. She's very into remedies like vitamins and the like, so I will recommend her those vitamins. Thank you!

Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
Pills usually make things worse. When I was taking benzos I think half of my brain just disappeared not to mention my anxiety was thru the rough when I tried to stop taking it. The things that help me are distractions, helping me see how negative I'm being and getting me out of my head by telling me how ridiculous I'm being...making things lighthearted and joking about it helps also and helping me see the future in a positive light usually always bring me peace of mind and a more positive outlook.
Thank you! She definitely uses distractions - youtube videos are her favorite. I will try lightheartedness. That actually never occurred to me - I usually automatically take a serious explanatory front when she greets me with her problems.

Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
From my experience with E6s, I'd say just be their friend. If anxieties show up, try a lighthearted laugh at the absurdities. If they aren't absurd, find a logical solution. I'm sure you can do that.
Lightheartedness again, good. And yep, definitely got the logical thing covered. Thanks!

Quote Originally Posted by jet city woman View Post
Face your fears head on. And win. It's all about that. Keep trying until you beat your fears. If you have a fear, figure out how to beat it. The anxiety will never go away but you can alleviate the fears that cause it, one by one by one by one by one bye one bye one lol.
She's actually very good at this, but she still worries! Haha, I don't understand it. I think that this could either be the solution, or would just result in an endless battle, constantly finding new things to worry about and new problems to solve, almost in an OCD-like way. Hopefully though, she would just become stronger, so strong that new problems would look like bugs to her - easily squashed.