Kitchen of Quadras and Model B simplified
If we leave aside at the moment all theoretical bla- bla - bla of the model B and just look at its structure and what it has new to offer compared to Model A. This is a brief introduction only and does not include a lot of meaning, more about the form today.
If you remember i showed the model B for INTJ as an example:
INTJ: -Ti………...I………….Te+
+Ne ……I……….Ni -
+Fi………..I…………..Fe -
Sory it did not come out as proper butterfly shape.
1. Model B suggests a relocation of the blocks into a Butterfly model and suggests that functions in a psychic structure should be also considered in the same form. The relocation of blocks offers a better meaning/insight into psychodynamics or interaction between blocks and functions.
This interaction is based on the principles of balancing between: extraversion/introversion (2 elements), rationality/irrationality (2elelments) as well as positivism + and negativism - (2 more elements). Positivism and negativism do not need to be taken literally but rather as energy and direction of flow. Positivists and negativists can be very good people. Good or bad is the realm of morality /Antimoraltiy dimension.
The direction of infor/energy flow is important for dynamics, development and progress: clockwise/involutionary/right swastika
anticlockwise/evolutionary/left swastika.
The Model B suggests this location of blocks and functions within them is following:
Ego: + Fe - - Te + .....I... Id: +Se - - Ne +
Superego - Fi + + Ti - ... I... Superid: - Si + + Ni -
And therefore this location of Types within the blocks:
Superego: -ISFJ, INFJ+, +ISTJ, INTJ-
Superid: -ISFP, ISTP+, +INFP, INTP-
The model which gave birth to colour theory is very simple. If you replace the letter sign for the function with a symbol of the function and cut it mentally in half - you will get two types for each side, for example Fi: left negatively loaded side is ISFJ and the right one positively loaded is INFJ.
The model already explained static dynamic dichotomy and today I explain where positivist /negativist dichotomy comes from (see blocks above). Each type is represented in blocks accordingly to Reinin dichotomy as positivists and negativists as follows:
Ego: + - + - + ESFJ
- + - + - ENFJ
- + - + - ESTJ
+ - + - + ENTJ
Id: + - + - + ESFP
- + - + - ESTP
- + - + - ENFP
+ - + - + ENTP
- + - + - ISFJ
+ - + - + INFJ
+ - + - + ISTJ
- + - + - INTJ
Can you do it yourself :wink: ?
AS you can see the negtivists start and finish with - and positivists on the opposite with +
The model did not answer all questions yet but I am sure it will.
Model suggests two major oppositions/dimensions for balancing in creation of dynamics between blocks:
1. control (Ego) -submission (Superid) and
2. Selfishness (ID) - Sacrifice (Superego)
AS colour theory has demonstrated oppositions exist between all blocks in different directions and they all play role in the interrelationship between the types.
The model B suggests that Ego (rational extraversion -Control/Free will -adult ) and Superego block (rational introversion -Sacrifice -adult) represent Block Adult. Id (extraverted irrationality -Selfishness- child) and Superid (introverted irrationality -child) represent Block Child. Blocks Ego and Id represent extraversion and wheel Life and blocks Superego and Superid represent wheel Death/Afterlife.
At the end I would like remind you that model B offer very sensible explanation of the development of psyche in time.
1. I do accept that all conscious functions originate in subconscious/unconscious (or wherever Young meant!).
2. I suggest that they do not only originate there but they also end up there like in a storage place. Some of the info lays on the surface (subconscious ) and some goes deeper into unconscious.
3. According to model B: the beginning and the end is in the Child block which contains two blocks Id and Superid.
2. The model also shows the common phases of the development of psyche:
1. An egg is associated with the phase of Superid block - stage of dependance on mothers body.
2. Caterpillar stage - Id block - Nurturance - rapid physical growth.
Both stages represent childhood.
3. Chrysalis - Ego development stage - stage of transformation and maturity into adulthood.
4. Butterfly stage - colourful stage of adulthood, productivity, confidence, fulfilment, wisdom.
5. The end of the extraverted stage Life is back to Superid, feeling old and sick and understanding that material world is not the mean to the end. Preparation for the next stage Afterlife.
6. Death and the Judging day. If the soul is bad it can stop its’ development. Magic number 6 represents the power of Devil to take the soul. If the soul is good it will continue to improve until it will go to Nirvana for ever. Stage 7 represents the beginning of the new Afterlife circle.
First of all I would like to know what do you think about the model so far before I will introduce my recent ideas. Don’t’ hesitate to call it Balderdash - if you feel like it. I don’t mind. Questions welcome.