okay, so for my internship we've been having to do observation tasks (i.e. watch a class of students and report on some aspect of the class everyday, maybe focus on something like how the instructor of the class corrects errors.)
so one of the girls in my class winds up doing her internship with a former classmate of ours. she's describing the classroom setup and some of this guy's procedures. it was possibly the funniest thing i have heard all week.
an ESTp girl, an ESTj girl, and some girl who i can't really type who seems like an XNTj could NOT stop laughing. i don't know who else does this (laughing to the point that you can't keep a straight face well enough to listen. you wind up sitting there just sort of trying your best to suppress laughter, which totally doesn't work.) i was also laughing way too hard, and it was really hard to /stop/ laughing (this is awful when you're in a setting where you're supposed to be serious/academic/poker face and you can't do it at all.)
i noticed the INFp girl did a pretty good job of keeping a straight face.
it's funny not only because the guy whose class setup she was describing was this sort of stoner, frustrated-seeming NT guy (INTj maybe?) but because she has this hilarious semi-serious delivery. she can describe things in a hilarious way and keep a straight face (she even came off as seriously concerned/a little disconcerted with this guy's methods of teaching.)
now what is that? amazing control? ?