In the recent reinin test thread, for yourself, you had chosen Introvert, Static, Constructivist, and possibly Tactical. For some unknown reason, I was curious which traits I would choose if I had to type you this method. The ones I came up with were Sensing, Asking, Rational. What do you think of those as applicable to yourself?

I chose Sensing because of "Slowly absorbs new information, but thanks to good digestion keeps it in memory for a long time." I chose this because you don't seem to jump on new information/ideas quickly, jumping to conclusions about the idea/situation/etc. Watching you in irc and many of your posts and questions regarding socionics on the forum, I can almost see you slowly chewing over the information, tasting it, smelling it, and testing it out, before temporarily swallowing it. If it seems to settle, then it 'sticks'. If it comes back up, it's rejected, at least partially. This does not in any way imply that I think you are slow. Far from it. Cautious might be a better term?

I also chose Sensing because of the variety of links you bring up from tumblr and such. And the pictures and music you collect or link to. The ones that seem your favorite are ones that seem to demand paying attention to it, in order to see what you found so attractive in it, much in the same way that you chew over ideas.

I chose Asking because on irc and in the forum, you do more asking than you do declaring anything. Even when you do declare something, there's a sense of unsureness about it, as if the sentence/statement ends in a question mark. As if asking "Does that make sense?" One of the things that I admire about you is that you ask questions. You don't pretend to know something even if you've only got a glimmer of an idea of it. You're willing to explore things, even if you don't particularly care for the subject. (like socionics ) And you want to know what other people's opinions and thoughts are while you're chewing over the info. (yes, I'm sick of the chewing metaphor too, sorry)

I chose Rational because it seems that when someone brings you information, it seems that you assess it almost immediately, and then "comes up with a response to the situation using his/her experience". The person gets feedback almost right then and there..almost..about how it might or might not relate to your own experiences/thoughts on it. This is one of the reasons why I enjoyed talking with you on irc. I ramble, you don't. And I could almost rely on you to help keep me focused on the topic/subject at hand, even though you probably didn't know that I did that. (Hope you're not bothered by that.)

Anyways, I was just curious what you thought of those three traits. Where my perceptions might differ from your own on these. Hopefully none of them were offensive to you.