Quote Originally Posted by Leader View Post
Dunno...My father is ESTj and I love him...respect him, we think somewhat similar in terms of logic. Only thing that can come in conflict is that he wants order order order, wants me to go to school do good blah blah blah...traditional stuff. Me, im not really by the book, although I agree with what he says, its just that my method of trying to become successful is unorthodox. Best thing he can do is give me his advice (which comes in the form of pestering/nagging) and just back off and let me do what I do. Other than that, no problems. I have other ESTjs that I know/am close to, they are nice. Like my baby cousin for example, shes a little child now so she hasn't really grown into her personality yet, but shes fun to be around...we play alot...she has a little crush on me or something. Always playing with me or trying to get rough and tease me.

With ESTj women there is respect and sexual attraction which feels to me like "niceness" when they are using their Si, but at the same time there can be some nervousness/anxiety between our interaction underneath (atleast thats what I feel, because I feel like they are interrogating me..which must be their Te, I feel like this for all ESTjs). With the ESTj men there is respect and we understand each other usually (with ESTjs in general there can be alot of misunderstandings, but in terms of logic we generally agree...its just our different approaches/methods in life that gets in the way), and theres also that interrogating judging feeling sometimes.

They can be judgmental pricks and shady/hypocritical and petty/domineering (like alot of other types), but I respect my quasi-identical in general.
Well I never said i dont respect my quasi ex-mentor. The reason why i held on for so long was because i have a lot of respect for him, looked up to him as a guru, and wanted to learn from him. I still like him, but I had to finally face the music that was telling me working together was just not going to work and was going to land me either in a hospital or a mental institution.

Relationships with parents and relatives is going to play out much differently from interactions with one's boss.