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Thread: Working out your type

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    Default Working out your type

    You can use the stuff below to work out your type. See which group has the widest gap in terms of what sounds very like you, and what sound very unlike you. The grousp with the widest gap will help you determine your type.


    Enthusiastic. He has a wide range of powerful emotions. He is capable of staying true to the vision of his youth throughout his whole life. He creates his mood by himself and knows how to make it contagious for others. Emotionally fine, kind, compassionate.

    He possesses a powerful, intellectual imagination. Due to this quality he can forecast the future quite well. From empirical observations of how a man acts at various times he creates something like a functional model in his mind. In general, he tends to know everything in advance. If he did not have to warn other people about possible dangers (opportunities interest him less), he most possibly would feel himself of no worth.


    Two birds in the bush [he often chooses this option instead of one in his hand]. He is a genius at finding new opportunities and possibilities. What he has completed always seems to him less important compared to the dawning perspectives which are irresistible an inexhaustible. Scientists of this type tend to procrastinate with the publishing of the results of their research, thinking that the greatest discoveries are still ahead. He lives for the future; meanwhile being not acknowledged does not intimidate him. He chooses to do what is interesting rather than what is lucrative.

    He easily earns other people’s trust. He is polite, tactful, has fine esthetical taste and knows how to apply it. He knows for sure who loves whom, who hates whom, who wants (either what or whom), who influences whom and why. A moralist, often is distinguished by the sharpness of his comments. He perfectly remembers both good and evil, and considers it necessary to “repay” for them. He values friendship very much and does not forgive treason. He does not like those who are incapable of loving. He does not reveal emotions much. A complicated ethical situation inspires him.


    Rapid, clear, sober mind. He knows how to act in an intelligent and logical way. Concealed tenseness, high internal emotionality. His motto is: “force, integrity and a sense of duty”. He is a born scout – he collects information using all available channels until he achieves an absolutely clear picture that provides him with security to act for sure.

    A somewhat idealistic romanticist. He is a person prone more to reflection than action. An individualist. He is little concerned with the present; he is more excited by brilliant perspectives of "bright cities, which may be built one day". His emotionality is of a high enough level, he understands very well the feelings of another and does not hide his own. But his emotionality is always somewhat restrained in order to observe the effect it produces. He expresses emotions not when another’s patience would get exhausted, but when he himself (she herself) considers it necessary. His way of handling emotions is very creative: for example, he may consider rage to be ethical, and restraint non-ethical.


    He takes pride in his influence with people, their love and respect, of his own popularity, gladly leads others. He is assertive, but distant in dealing with the objective world, mistrustful towards new scientific ideas and in general towards everything things objective, which he perceives as too impersonal. He feels much more confident and therefore has a clear conscience, only in the field of influencing people.

    He is a man of developed logical faculty, a strong capability for analysis. He knows how to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure. He considers all situations of life from the logical viewpoint.


    The end result: this is the only thing that interests him. All he needs to achieve the final result he considers to be his vested interests. He is a strong-willed, determined person. With all his appearance he demonstrates he is far from being ostentatious, does not care for the impression he makes with others. All he does is performed with enthusiasm, passionately and must be brought to its conclusion. He has the personality of an untamed struggler, who must come out on top no matter what the cost. "One should not avoid difficulties! One needs to learn how to overcome them" is his motto.

    Quiet introspection. Hidden feelings. The world of his feelings is so fine and rich that he does not need verbal reassurances of someone’s love for him. Even without words he observes, who loves whom and how, who needs or doesn’t need whom. His most important capability is his ability to adapt to his partner’s emotions, to empathize, release emotional tension, to calm down.


    He is untiring in working, science or anything else that brings objective results in the future. He makes everything very rapidly; work “boils” at his hands. Even his gait is very specific, bouncing, and if he can, he prefers to run.

    He is friendly, always appears optimistic and in a good spirits. He does not impose his will on others, hiding his real feelings. He is always equally warm, caring, smiling. He does not like to ask and moreover to demand favours, and strives to satisfy his needs through his own efforts.


    An ardent enthusiast. He is a highly spiritual, artistic individual. He quickly resolves any personal problems, always relying upon his talent for immediate improvisation instead of preparing the work in advance. He loves situations when new and exciting undertakings come up, when it is possible to demonstrate his own and others’ talents; when one can still expect the most unusual development of events.

    Consistent. Skilled. He is able to rationally and adequately choose the best of the available systems or principles and to fight for its implementation uncompromisingly. He categorically rejects everything that cannot fit into this system, and perfects it to its ideal state. He is very consistent in the realisation of his system.


    A serious person focused on global problems. Sees the world in dramatic, even tragic colours. Expects all kinds of trouble. He takes personal problems and addresses them on a global scale. Meanwhile he often also strives to give something back to mankind.

    His movements are quiet, precise, and very economical: other people often get an impression that his results disproportionately exceed the efforts invested. He is characterised by non-ostentatious quiet persistence and reliable accomplishment of everything he commenced, internal responsibility for deeds and modesty. He is not ostentatious in his attitude towards work, as well as not demonstrative in revealing his feelings at all. At first he may seem to do everything coolly. But gradually it becomes clear that his unhurriedness reflects his general tempo of life: a combination of relaxation and perfection.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Working out your type

    Quote Originally Posted by gaypog
    He easily earns other people’s trust. He is polite, tactful, has fine esthetical taste and knows how to apply it. He knows for sure who loves whom, who hates whom, who wants (either what or whom), who influences whom and why. A moralist, often is distinguished by the sharpness of his comments. He perfectly remembers both good and evil, and considers it necessary to “repay” for them. He values friendship very much and does not forgive treason. However, he is not constant in love before marriage, because considers impossible to keep on relations that are exhausted. He does not like those who are incapable of loving. He regulates relations not as much by words but by voice tone and expressive look. He does not reveal emotions much, and so appears cold-blooded. Often he does not look directly into his interlocutor’s eyes, as though in order not burn him down. A complicated ethical situation inspires him.
    I think you may have reworded this sentence incorrectly. Below is a quote from another ISFj description.

    When ISFjs are thinking they may fix their eyes to an object or person for a long period.

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    actually, I seem to remember something in one of the descriptions about how ISFjs are aware that they sometimes make people uncomfortable with intense gazes, and may try to avoid doing so.

    gah I don't remember for sure.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4


    check out the "read before you post" page. There are a lot of general links there.

    ... I see you found "socionkio", or whatever that one site is, with these descriptions.

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