...has nothing to do with type.
I am by far one of the more emotional, accepting, and genuinely empathetic people I know , and I'm an ENTp, complete with PoLR. The most emotionally reactive person I know is an INTj. My psychologist, who is the best one I've ever found, is an INTp. And to top it off, the most emotionally uncompromising person I know is an INFj.
Anyone who tells you that empathy is or emotionality is is completely full of shit. These are not in any way related, nor can a distinct correlation between the them be drawn by any logical means. If I hear one more person try to type their friends by saying "Well, he/she is extremely emotional and reactive; he/she is probably an ethical type," I am just gonna crack.
Here's Gilligan's 3 (and growing) step guide on how to distinguish between Ethicals and Logicals:
1. Ask the person to describe him/herself. An ethical will describe himself in terms of how he relates to people, while a logical will describe himself in terms of his abilities and interests.
2. Determine WHY the person holds his or her interests. This is key.
Ethicals are attracted to something because it affords them the opportunity to work with people, allows them to have a direct impact on the way others think or feel, or allows them to express themselves in some way. Logicals are attracted to something because it answers questions that they have, allows them to work with numbers or facts, or promotes progress in something they hold particular interest in.
Environmentalism provides a great example, one that I am currently observing in action. An ethical gets involved in environmentalism to change the opinions of others and spread knowledge of worsening environmental conditions, while a logical gets involved to affect changes in policy or make new discoveries.
3. Observe tolerance for social activity. Even the most extraverted of thinkers is worn out by contuinual social activity, while plenty of the more shy feelers can remain in a social situation for hours without being worn out.