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Thread: World population will hit 11 billion by 2050

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Actually, mid-range extrapolations of population growth suggest that we'll plateau around ~9 billion and probably fall from there (see pg. 5 here).

    I'm pretty sure overpopulation is one of the least things humans will need to concern themselves with in the future—all you need consider is the fact that birth rates in much of the developed world are already well below replacement levels, and that many of these countries are increasingly reliant on a steady influx of immigration to boost their sagging population growth rates.

    You should probably worry more about how there simply won't be enough young people in the future to sustain social security, medicare, and the lush retirement pensions many currently enjoy. At least not without a drastic cut in benefits.
    Nice so you think the population curve is stabilizing out and soon it will reach a sort of equilibriated state where net births and deaths balance out. The main issue is in how to economically make that transition smoother.

  2. #42
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    It's completely dependent on the rate of technological development (arbitrary) vs. rate of consumption (increasing at an increasing rate). It's interestingly reminiscent of the antibiotic crisis.
    technological development also occurs along a reasonably well extrapolable exponential curve:

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Privatize entitlement programs.
    So the main source of people's retirement comes from growth in the market, rather than from income generated from taxes on the population, and while that income is being "grown" it can be used to create innovation in our technology, infrastructure, and other needs. Is that the way its supposed to work?

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post

    it's just that those who exist in ignorance of something which they at least unconsciously grasp the potency of (i.e. reflect their divinity in a capsule), need to feign distant superiority to justify their unwillingness to integrate it; this attitude is -always- bolstered by some pretense of "building a life," when in fact, such idiots who actually believe life is out there, don't exist to begin with, and never will, which is why the majority of you people are set to live out another cycle of third-density incarnations; it has nothing to do with sin or whatever, just the fact that you willingly ignore your divine nature, convince yourself that physical mortality implies finitude, and subserve yourself to the specter of a dark lord reigning over all affairs. the kinder need god, the more hostile, resigned, they like "the man," and seek to fight for their survival, because of course animals have to die hard. so when someone like me who's been there for a minute comes in and relays a fucking shred of information regarding the movement in this sphere, suddenly I'm a crazy druggie, a "bad example." I would tell them to get fucked if they didn't already exist with a cock lodged in their esophagus; ah, and will your cries be muffled, only because the chords entwine around my fingertips. lol reserve tickets now please.
    The way to ascend is through embracing the infinite God, and connection between the self and others. Those two things together form a transcendental vibration. Building a life sounds more like being stuck in a repeating pattern, which isnt what I'm thinking of. Yes building a life happens, but it's not something you set out to do. Obviously 6666666 is a repeating pattern. That's kinda the significance of that number. It's important that 6 is half of 12. 66666 shows being split in two, which is what you describe as good and evil. And people do go through the motions of their happy lives, or like animals as you say; and they do so unconsciously. What is truly good is to unify them both; to be fully conscious. I think you have a wrong idea of what God is and what the bible actually shows you how to do. Everything in there, if you follow it, will unify consciousness in the moment of experience. It's not about blind faith, it's about reading intelligently and recognizing the truth. Jesus happens to be correct. And yes, there is divine wrath. Jesus comes with a sword; that he would split apart families and turn us against eachother. Obviously there is wrath but it isn't put out on personal whims. You discard the word God, but in your own statements you are alluding to an unnamed divinity; you say this is within yourself; well yes it is, but it's also outside yourself; what are you ascending toward? Nothing you described there is of true infinite.
    Last edited by rat1; 12-12-2011 at 04:41 PM.

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratPULSE
    I think you have a wrong idea of what God is and what the bible actually shows you how to do. Everything in there, if you follow it, will unify consciousness in the moment of experience.
    lol I don't have an "idea of god." I am god. god is clay. you are the pencil in my gentle hands. get out of this doctrinal grandiosity and pay attention to what's actually being referred to. there is no predefined path to god, or infinity; it's already there. the bible just happens to have mathematical symmetry, which gives the illusion of a consummate guide, one which, however, will only lead one back to where they began.

    It's not about blind faith, it's about reading intelligently and recognizing the truth. Jesus happens to be correct. And yes, there is divine wrath. Jesus comes with a sword; that he would split apart families and turn us against eachother. Obviously there is wrath but it isn't put out on personal whims. You discard the word God, but in your own statements you are alluding to an unnamed divinity; you say this is within yourself; well yes it is, but it's also outside yourself; what are you ascending toward? Nothing you described there is of true infinite.
    ok, you found the truth in the bible. I saw art in a bag blowing along the street the other day; the divine was expressing itself under rain drops and jagged fluorescence. what's your point? the divinity is unnamed because it is EVERYTHING. if you want to play martyr, go right ahead; I have no interest in ideological prostration. also, there is no difference between what is within and without, the self-entwined reflections; that's how I know your religious notions are bullshit. I learned this stuff heuristically, so it doesn't really matter what code you describe it in.

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    Dear tcaudilllg,

    I'm not having kids. How else can I contribute to curving the world's population growth in a more downward way? (I don't consider murdering others an acceptable answer.)

    -- Barren & Concerned

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    Well I'm not saying all processes don't exist, just that some form more lasting connections than others; and that there is an absolute interconnection of life which is of only one form. You can choose a life of limitations; and people choose to be wrong; and there are plastic bags and debris forming a floating mass the size of texas in the ocean, and our planet has decayed because people have taken the kinds of liberties you're talking about. I never said they don't exist, just that they result in death. Straying from the one path is falling into a fixation pattern. There exists perfect harmony of life, everything else is death, the patterns of this life carry on to the next.
    You're right what is outside is inside, and I can connect to the outside without fixating on it.
    Last edited by rat1; 12-12-2011 at 08:49 PM.

  8. #48

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    the path is within, not etched into the pages of a canonized tome. seriously.

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    the path within has led us to this shithole, we are doing something wrong.. it's time to drop the new age enlightenment shit. The world is in shambles, my life is in shambles, your life is in shambles - what did we do wrong? Let's answer that question in as real of terms as possible. Forget the bible. We have free will, we can repair ourselves. I'm assuming we agree we all need repairing. How do we start? For me it can't possibly be to flip to the other side of the bullshit coin. And you described that side pretty well earlier. So is there a third option?
    What I'm trying to do is escape nihilism, which you are content with. Because I think nihilism burns itself out, and then what is left over? A distilled truth. You know it's funny how people like you and me will naturally complain about the kiss-ass quality of the bible, but then there are others who whine about how wrathful the old testament was.

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    the world is in a shithole because of how many people turned away from the path within.

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    Before the world was a shithole the path within and without were aligned. Now we have to deal with all the shit, but we also have to not fixate on it. My strategy has been to simply not deal with it. Now it's accumulated to where I'm forced to. I can either flip the coin and look outside of myself, or I can find a third option. The path outside isn't much different from the path inside, they're both running from something. God is the unifying principle for the two sides, after that's established a connection to others is the resonance needed. But not just any random person will do, and good people are difficult, almost impossible to find. I think I am going to join a ton of groups for recovering addicts. That is the best place to find people in this society.
    Last edited by rat1; 12-12-2011 at 09:25 PM.

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    *feels confused about the attached thumbnails*
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    someone tell me what i am supposed to do when there is no future at all and we are all going to die; and death is quite imminent? only the faintest hope for forgiveness remains.. but I have tried many times and failed to achieve it. This attempt is only my most public failure. How do I escape this madness?

  15. #55
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    The world is just fine. People are just being sentimental. There's always something to cry about, but I'm too busy looking the world in awe.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

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    Well I am worried about the world. 11 billion people is way too many. It really bothers me that so many species on Earth are down to vulnerable populations, while we Homo sapiens sapiens have billions in population and are busy choking everything else to death as we hoard resources to feed our massive numbers. It bothers me that many species of animals are down to less than 100,000 individuals, while our population continues to soar unchecked. If things continue as are, it's projected that in a few centuries the next mass extinction event will have concluded itself on planet Earth, presumably the 6th such event, with over 75% of all species lost (I'm not sure if that's counting the ones already lost in the 20th century). And when people look back on us now, they will see our time as having been the early stages (the beginning) of the event--we already live in it now. In geological time, it will have happened in a mere instant. In a long future fossil or strata record it will just be like suddenly 75% of the species vanished. Usually these things are caused by things like meteorite impacts, but this time it will actually be one of Earth's species causing it (making us traitors to our own world). Of course life will continue and all, but the loss is massive and when I look at all the species around today that took millions of years to become what they are now, I must say the world seems really lonely with them gone and with everything we could still learn about them and ourselves gone. And it's such a waste since they all worked so hard over the last 65+ million years to survive and develop into the magnificent things they are now. But then we come in with one sudden swipe and wipe them from the face of the Earth. In our small petty lives the swipe seems to be going in such slow motion that we may have trouble seeing it and three centuries is a long time--longer than we live. I don't know what we're supposed to do... it seems so big that small actions seem like mere drops in a giant bucket. We can't even manage to save species that many value it seems, like chimpanzees, our closest relative. We seem to be both incredibly powerful and incredibly impotent. We suck. If we could just get our population down to a more reasonable number through generations, like perhaps 3 billion or less, I think it would really help everything. If there was some project to aim for a number, a number that would be more sustainable and lessen the choke hold on all the other species. And I think it could be done without taking extreme measures and screwing people over. But then I feel not enough of us care, and even if we say we do, still we do nothing. Because in our small little lives, what can we do? We can say, well, awareness is seeping in and with that comes a redirection of course and I will just be swept along with it as I feel I am in all things in life... and so I suppose all I can do is focus on myself once again. It's sad. Oh, and not to mention, we're choking ourselves too... already there are too many people even for us to do well.
    Last edited by marooned; 12-13-2011 at 05:59 PM.

  17. #57

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    it always happens that way... the scrolls of history evanesce, and a condensed timeline is given for yet another "miracle of evolution." the truth is, this has been going on for millenia, and it's only because of the stage humanity is at that the tomes of history had to be hidden, in libraries of the egyptian pyramids, druid temples, tibetan monasteries, whatever. I think the sense of finitude induces people to more extreme measures, the animals instinctively clutch at an abstract threat, forgetting just how much went into all this... so they continue augmenting themselves, concocting theories to keep it alive, survival of the fittest, erect the monuments. well matter will dissolve, and we've only been sacrificing ourselves to ideology and religion and politics for centuries, and we believe there are greater powers, god's will, or the presidential handshake, but it boils down to your own path, what took you here, it reveals where you're going. imbalance is always tempered, the only issue we're dealing with is a projection of our own; and we're presumptuous enough to claim the world will end because of fucking carbon footprints. no, YOUR world will end -- all those who aided their precious infection's growth. tis a shame, but at the same time, I can only be bothered with my vibrations. we are here.

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    Well, the world isn't going to end anytime soon... but it's a question of if one values that which is here now, or at least some of what is here now. It isn't simply one's "carbon footprint" but things such as over-fishing and other largely destructive practices (for instance, you could remove global warming from the equation, and the problem remains). The species that are here now are unique and once they're gone, they are gone for good. I see them as irreplaceable. If humans wipe them out, I see it as before their time. I mean do I want something like a tiger to be here forever? I don't know... nothing is forever--we aren't either. It's more that what is here now that exists with us is all part of our time... these creatures share both our space and our time (I see them as our relations). I like many of them and am curious about many, and I know that many people like some of the ones of them that I don't particularly like as much. The point is that they too have a right to exist barring "acts of god" like large events that will simply endanger all of us, and these events come and go, although when the next one comes, if we are still here, we might be able to prevent it. I just wish humans weren't in the process of creating one of these events. The "inner life" is important but other creatures have inner lives as well. It's not a question so much of broad timeline existence, but of the shorter eon or age... the age that we live in now with its own unique life signature, that I think it would be a huge waste to suddenly cut short when it doesn't need to be. It doesn't mean preserve everything, but it does mean strike a new balance. One will be struck anyway, but it could be one with more life left in it as opposed to a later one with far less. I prefer more to less. And I do feel a sense of loneliness and loss about less.

    As for the "world being in the shitter" in terms of human society I suppose I actually feel more indifferent about that. When is it not, I suppose I ask. Yes my life sucks, but I'm sure most people's have since the beginning. Lives now may suck in unique ways, but it doesn't really mean we suffer more now than we did before. But I think smaller societies that have found ways that work for them often suffer less... once again, reducing numbers improves quality of life for the individual (to a certain point of reduction). So once again, reducing numbers can provide relief.

    But yes, really all I can do is work on myself. And that's the issue. And so in that sense it would be only an abstract issue in my mind. But it's not just about me is the other problem. When the matter comes to mind, should one just say "screw it"? I don't know, I'm still thinking about it.

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    no, I just think that ultimately the best thing you can do for yourself and others is conduce the vibrations that are most natural to you. love is silence sent across a spectrum to be expressed in every form and thus resolved. I don't see problems anymore. in fact I'm not sure I see anything. because I am absorbed in a state that is constantly reflecting and combusting and so on, and there's really so much going on that I can't be bothered by what will happen several years from now, when I can observe a century pass over a blade of grass, calmly assured that apparent imbalance is merely balance's game, just as confusion is consciousness'. this may sound mystical, I'm trying to convey simple truths though. the world will not end. nothing begins or ends. it all happens at the same time. the flux of it all gives the appearance of progression, yet do we witness recursion in every form. the reason why there is no beginning or end is because death and life are the same thing. this is only apparent on an atomic level, our bodies in proportion "last longer," but ratio is just there out of necessity. I'm not sure how to fully convey this. we are dealing with a large-scale eclipse. one that occurs every 5-6,000 years. it's a wormhole-esque alignment, where everything is destroyed and recreated at once... and you wake up from an odd dream. but what I'm saying is that not everyone will awake forgetfully in their beds, and that the choice is up to the individual.

  20. #60
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    We need to get hurt bad before we learn virtuosity as individuals and as a collective. Our nearby generations will be the historical boogieman, a lesson of something going too far and a lesson that will forever change the way the minds of the future will perceive the nature, ecology and economy as. It will redefine culture in many levels, including spirituality.

    I am eager to see the new culture rise.

    Ironically, this is the my 421st post.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

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    Well, Octo, have you heard about chytridiomycosis, a killer fungal disease which continues to devastate amphibian populations worldwide. This puts the biodiversity of frogs and toads under serious threat and if trade is not regulated even more deadly strains of the disease may soon emerge. This is not simply one section of rainforest: it's everywhere. I think I feel more sad about this reality than about something that hasn't happened yet. When the drilling begins, I will get more upset, but until then, I am very concerned about the frogs as they, like other amphibians, play important roles in the food-chain. Some fish even dine on frogs, or at least on tadpoles, I really don't know all the specifics!

  22. #62
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    Look, part of the nature's nature is to naturally kill part of the nature. Nature has been killing itself since forever and will continue to do so. Every mutation is an experiment, sometimes a whole chain of mutation (species) is not adapting fast enough and will die and give space for other experiments to follow.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

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    Gah, my post was an attempt at humor. I'm going to go off and feel misunderstood again.

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    I don't think the dying frog situation is amusing. It was more that I was trying to stack on the bad things so as to further compound the overall sadness. The frogs were something that more quickly occurred to me off the top of my head which was why that example was selected, and it really wasn't a great example as what I needed was some impending human caused tragedy that is now just happening. Although I really did kind of mistake the tone of your post originally and was apparently taking accusations of being sad personally because I'm incredibly paranoid and exist in an emotionally immature state. Sorry.

    But about the frogs, although people did not cause this specific disease and it isn't even the lone factor, I think amphibian declines are quite relevant to the rest of the discussion:

  25. #65
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    I'll put my concern hat back on when the bees are dying on a massive scale.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

  26. #66
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    I've read that we are currently living at the time in human history when the most children will be living...about 4 billion? We may take some time to top out in terms of overall population, but at the same time, the population may well be stable in a 100 years.

  27. #67
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    LED lightbulbs, further development of the gathering and harnessing of solar energy, the development of a nanotechnology-based battery whose details I can't fully recall but it's incredibly efficient, physically flexible, visually transparent, and made of carbon; the future's gonna be just fine. I expect the power grid to be obsolete soon, and the world's gonna look a hell of a lot better without all of those dumb electrical poles. If you're worried about food shortages, there's always replacing meat meals with some oatmeal here and there, or any eating further down the food chain for that matter. It takes a minimum of 6 pounds of grain to create 1 pound of chicken, and it takes a minimum of 10 pounds of grain to create 1 pound of beef.
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