I wonder if you know the Ali G. type or David Blaine. For some reason these two guys are associated in my mind. I think they have got similarity in facial features and expremism in behaviour which does not suggest logic whatsoever.

Firstly i would like to point your attention to the colours and behaviour of Ali G. The colours and beahviour is very much from Id - Ego blocks where Id probably prevails. He wears a lot of yellow, his glasses. Id sugest leadership by personal example and is asociated mainly with .
He must be feeling type as I do not see logic qite on the opposite he talks a lot about sex as if he wants to put people form abstract level down to earth. His behaviour is very childish and funny - it stops the thouhgt or any reasoning and paint human beings from a very irational perspective.

Ali G could be extravert and what about David Blaine, I did suggest that David B. could be an intorvert. Both produce very irrational behavoiur.
It does not mean however that they are irrational types. According to model B, rational types will produce irrationality, not irrational types.

What are you suggestions? You can use whatever means are available like VI for exapmle to determine their type - not necessarily the same though.