so i've done all the paperwork and i can start volunteering at the old arts highschool mY Younger sister now goes to. i visited it recentlY and was disappointed at how the qualitY of art has declined since i've been gone. mY teacher loved me and as lame as this sounds i was kinda a 'legend' in the art dept and school in general, so i decided i want to help teach. back when i was there everyone was reallY talented and original etc.... but now its kids doing drawings of photos theY find online, technical skill not bad but underdeveloped and no originalitY or exposure to contemporary art. mY teacher thinks i'll be a great influence and i start this week. reallY nervous where to begin... a critique on what theY're doing now maYBe to get acquainted... idk. kids need to develop the abilitY to articulate whY they like or don't like visual imagery and i think casual discussions would help

i have some ideas of what to teach but i am so nervous and don't want to intimidate or bore them. anY advice... i'm reallY excited