Not my type at all. I like punk/rock/pop music. hip hop & rap is my least favorite type of music.

Anyways with that personal rant/vent fest out of the way, he definitely seems to be a sensor, and I think ESFj fits the best over-all. His intuitive insights about people seem rather crude, undefined and not very deep.

I don't see how he's Gamma at all. Gammas have this seriousness about them, as well as a superiority complex about themselves. The guy doesn't seem arrogant, and is really thankful for his fame. "I'm just one person out of many" etc. Gammas like Will Smith will talk about themselves in a very 'My shit don't stink as much as yours' way.

(It's never my intention to hurt people's feelings but I can't help but see people incredibly accurately, since nobody is watching me. It's a blessing gift/curse for being so much out of the spotlight. And so just admit that Gammas do this, even my beloved ESFps who I love very very much. )