
I’ve actually been trying to figure out joji’s type for awhile and I think what makes it so hard is how he does exactly just that— act like an introvert. Just, I don’t think he’s acting or trying to be one per se, more like he’s in an unhealthy spot. I’m only a dabbler of Socionics, so you can take the following with a grain of salt,

Used to think he was SLI bc of his insistency on being introvert, but rlly... hunny u r not, also, that was stupid of me to even consider (plus there is no way this dude belongs in Delta; Gamma... maybe? Actually, no; Alpha, not really (bc look at his old vlogs/vids, yeah he bring out a positive atmosphere, but it’s all in a delinquent as fuck type of way lol. So much fucking Se); Beta is the only one that makes sense to me when looking at all his projects and interviews as a whole. Top types I would consider for him would be SLE>IEI. Used to think he might be ILE, but that could just be the Ne role from SLE going out of whack. Don’t get me wrong, he uses it well, but it’s not really his most natural function imo. He just seems to be playing around with it.

His aristocracy is rlly apparent in a couple of vlogs where, for example, he cringes at entering a Japanese dollar store to buy fireworks cuz it was too “ratchet” lmao. And when he was with max and Idubbbz at that one con, fans were trying to take pics with them but he was the one most obviously looking like a douche w a stick up his ass while everyone else was pretty easy about it. Maybe he wasn’t trying to be, who knows, but there’s no denying he’s got a bit of an arrogant air about him. He’s probably a lot better at not being douchey towards specific groups of ppl since fans called him out on the internet, idk. He just seems really sensitive to how he comes across to others. Like unnaturally sensitive. Fi polr?

EJ temperament is also out of the question. Just... no. This mofo’s too irrational. You never know what the hell hes gonna do next.

Also, I don’t know if you know who DJ Arendee is but he used to make YouTube vids on types then disappeared to god knows where after trying to make a Christian(?) cult? Idk the whole story, ppl claim he was super unhealthy, but you can still find some of his old vids that have been re-upped by others. I’m pretty sure he’s SLE and I can’t help but think that both him and joji have very similar ways of thinking and talking.

VI wise, he’s so goddamn twitchy. Like he’s just ready to bolt out the door and run a marathon or smth like... pls... just chill. It’s not in an ADD way, it just seems like he has a lot of nervous energy going on and just can’t help moving moving or touching stuff. Staying still seems impossible for him but funnily enough he has a pretty confident and level stare lol.

He’s a goddamn SLE in IEI sheep clothing.