We lack articles.
I personally think that we lack organized source of information
I've obtained most of the priceless pieces of socionics with the help of http://babelfish.astalavista.com and I'm luckily in this forum almost from the beginning.
And guess what. I still lack information. Some people are talking about things and have information that I wasn't able to find. CuriousSoul's posts for example.
And I'm sure that I am not the only one. And can you imagine how much time is wasting every new ... follower in search of information?
So why don't we organize it and share it in our own Wiki page so we can be all on the same level?
What is wiki?
more info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiA wiki (pronounced [wɪkiː], [wiːkiː] or [viːkiː]; see Pronunciation below) is a web application that allows users to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows anyone to edit the content. Wiki also refers to the collaborative software used to create such a website (see Wiki software).
example : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/socionics