Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
udp, what do you think of her type?
I really don't know.

Man, professional dancers can really be killer with their hips

Each time I see something that leads towards beta INFp or delta INFj, I'm not really sure. Maybe ENFp. Here stuff is definitely abstract enough to be INFp. But I really can't make out any quadra values. She could easily just be an INFj who has fallen in love with music and dance.

Her scrupulousness in terms of wanting to focus on her work rather than promoting it (in video 2 or 3 on esper's post) could be more an INFj thing.

And yet, her music is just so abtract, is it really about ?
I'm not sure.

This video makes me think INFj

I find her attractive there.
But I can't quite tell what her head movements mean.

For some reason, how she answers the question of "can you tell us a little bit about the atmosphere of this album" - at the end of that interview - stands out to me. I'm not sure what though.

Her posture there ALMOST makes me think "Yes, INFp", because it seems lax. And her movement ALMOST reminds me of this INFp I know. But I'm not 100% sure.

I'd have to talk with her and interact with her more though to know if she is beta or alpha. I haven't found anything conclusive on the net so far.

PS: I really like her dress in that interview, for some reason. It's totally hot, and I never say that about dresses.