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Thread: Hydrangea's socionics type

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  1. #9
    Fuck-up NewBorn STAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrangea View Post

    I'm sorry. I'm going to need you to phrase this a different way.

    I'm unsure what bitch is referring to in this context.
    NewBorn assmonkey is calling you nifweed's bitch. Ignore him. He's just a whiny provocateur looking to stir up the pot rather than add anything substantive to it.

    As for your type, I haven't a clue. Are you having seconds thoughts about your being IEI?
    Now that is how i might come off. And at times even who i am. But her message seemed to me of being a joke. As Niffweed is anything but a very serious one at typing. And as he is typed as intp him convincing Hydra to be niffweeds dual (which seems absurd by all means)

    But as Niffweeds repsents the seriousness and ignorance of typing where the types are taken to the extreme of believing the types themselves to carry objective sovereignity to reality. Where infact its very incomplete, unjustified and it is mainly used wrong. External behavior is taken as a token for the types and mainly the criteria for typings are very offlimit, this is mostly what confuses people.

    Personally as Jung as my brethen and the idea of types as the primary intention of a person in new situations and what is most concentrated on as information function. It doesnt matter what the person does, behaves or acts in the world. Its more about the world view and what most drives the person in his acts.

    But even then there are so many variations and ways of expressions in a single type that the whole idea of these Augustas types fall under when there is no justifiable reason to rank them by these functional elements, when they dont hold enough of a tendency to act in such a coherent manner that the types would be justifiable.

    Socionics can be usefull to understanding to some of the differences between people and a side step in grasping the intuitive picture of the archetypes that people might represent. But its very incomplete and the relationship settings dont hold water, People are too much of individuals for it to do so. Simply put socionics is simply a bad theory.

    So in the sense that i dont take socionics very seriously and it seems that hydra does to some extent of actually caring how a petty system ranks her. When she is likely to have many atributes associated to many of the types. And by the will of her own she could be totally different. This stuff isnt so innate as how people often think after getting stuck to the static brainfarts of Augusta. People really are mutable. So people often posses many different variations styles and patterns of behavios coupled with the variations of what they happen to be thinking or concentrating on. And these all different styles can be atributed to many different "cognitive function set ups" also referred to types. Just being too vague or bad defined to now properly decripe the phenomenom of human personality. And i think that many people are actually concious about socionics being a developing theory and it shouldnt be taken too seriously. Many of you though take the broken clothes as the mark of you and your inner being. In away that simplifies and kills many different parts of which consists the being (you) that gives life to a bastard son called your type. TO function as the channel for the fears and desires of your ego. Make an image of yourself that you can apreciate and deal and thrive towards instead of concentrating the whole complex being that you are. Myself i think i have many different coherent personalities lying in myself. I had to discover them through self acceptance and stopping at trying to be something to discover that i am and you all much more than these simple typings that many hold theyr head to.

    As Niffweed is the holy priest of the vampiric sect of life drainning mental restrictions. And she is referrnig to him in the fanatic belief and constructing herself to the image of nifweed and giving herself to the incompleteness and partiality of socionics. She is in a sense being a bitch to this sect as it most likely controls aspects of her life. I only thought it as fitting thing to say. I didnt mean really to be cruel. I was just expressing how i thought about the situation.

    I recommend Jungs orginal writings anyway though.

    Also" He's just a.." This way of formulating is false to the ultimate. Soneone very rarely just is something even though one might be easily stupify someone to fit the narrow categories of ones mind. That too is exactly the kind of thinking that leads to repressive cancer of socionics and other shitty theories to be misused against the divine work. You are noted and there is a minor penalty for your miscarriage of your duties. But go now. New moment and day to shine
    Last edited by NewBorn STAR; 07-19-2011 at 05:08 PM.

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