Answers to optional questions:

1. What do you think about spiritual beliefs (atheism vs. theism, religious vs. irreligious, etc)?
C. Spirituality is too subjective. No beliefs are right, and none are wrong.

2. Do you believe in a higher power (if you identify as, for example, and “agnostic atheist”, choose one)?
B. I’m primarily an agonstic.

3. Do you support GLBTQ people?
C. I rigorously support homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bigenders, AND agenders!

4. Do you support polyamory?
B. It’s not really my place to say polyamorous people shouldn’t be polyamorous.

5. Do you support consensual incest?
A. No, it’s gross/immoral/unnatural/wrong/stupid.

6. What do you think about prostitution?
C. People with high self-esteem don’t have a bad experience with prostitution. The problem is that a lot of prostitutes already have low self-esteem and so they think it’s alright for them to be pushed around. People think prostitutes are all smiley, happy, pleasure-seeking people and they’re just wrong.

7. What do you think about your race?
B. It’s…a race?

8. Do you use drugs to get high?
B. The consequences of drugs far outweigh their advantages.

9. What do you think of abortion?
B. If it would make the mother miserable, such as it being the result of rape, or it would cause her to be deep in debt, then it’s okay. Otherwise, she should keep the baby.