Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
Wellllllllllll, there's a general languid and nostalgic nature to much of this music, no metal, club bangers, swaggering, anthems, or sharp transitions. Def. low on the ruff'ntuff Se and high on the personal Fi, kinda how I imagine a general δ-NF vibe to be (laghlagh's picks are roughly on the same emotional wavelength, or so they seem). I like the daily evolving theme, an interesting touch. Your aesthetics certainly stand apart from mine but there's really nothing in here I've found "offensive", and it's quite possible I'd like different songs by the same artistes that you've selected (actually Pink is an occasional guilty indulgence, don't tell anyone).
Looks like that marriage is off then

Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
Oh yeah, and clarinet in high school and not practicing? I always thought they were meant to go together.
Nobody ever made me practice, and I had no drive to do it myself, but my parents still insisted that I take lessons.

Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
I'm curious how the remaining sequence will play out, and whether you'll include anything that'll draw a pronounced reaction from me, good or bad.
well aren't you in luck

day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure

Lemon Demon - 123456 Pokemon

I should feel ashamed for liking this song so much, but the retard in me just can't say no. This is probably related to my addiction to youtube poop as well: non-sequiter thing following non-sequiter thing following non-sequiter thing ad nauseum. There really isn't much I can do to qualify this, so I should probably cut it off now, lol.