I don't know if this show is on the air in USA, but we can see it on fridays. Can you tell me the types of that show?
I think that House himself is INTp- the Critic.
I don't know if this show is on the air in USA, but we can see it on fridays. Can you tell me the types of that show?
I think that House himself is INTp- the Critic.
Semiotical process
I have watched it about 20-30 minutes or so. Yes, House might be an INTp.
This has been disgusted before; I and others agree that he is INTP.
Did you see the season finale? That's what it's like to be an irrational introvert (IxxP).
House is INTp.
I think Cuddy is ENTj - they used to date for a little while, and she can totally handle his attitude.
Cameron is probably ISFj.
Chase ISxp?
Foreman ? ESTj?
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
No spoilers please. They are still showing the first season in Estonia.Originally Posted by Rocky
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
hmm... well I was talking about the second season actually, sorry. You'll have to wait. The only one I really disagree with is Chase (ENTP?), not ISxP.
uhm i dont know about the others cuz i don't care much cuz House rules all
Kristiina, are you sure Cuddy dated House? I don't remember that mentioned...but I did miss some of the first season...O_o And no she can't handle his attitude IMO...lol
Cameron might be IxFj
Chase...uhmmm ExFp? I really do think he is a T
Foreman....he annoys me so probably ESTj
I guess House COULD be INTp, but I just don't feel that.....arg...it just doesn't fit or something.
btw....it comes on Fox at 9 for us, at least the new season. but on the channel "usa" it comes on at 11 on fridays, but that is season 1
(ps sorry if this sounded bitchy but i get really defenisive about House, its my all time favorite show EVER)
I love House too ... personally, the show really makes him out to be an INTP, but I can also see ENTP too. He thinks for the sake of thinking like my INTP friends but he is not as soft-spoken...
The INTPs I know are not nearly as cynical ... they're much more withdrawn and hard to read. House really puts himself out there.
Yeah but...he is so cynical because of his leg and him leaving his girlfriend for stupid reasons etc etc.
what a whiner
Awhile ago when people argued what type Gregory House was from House, M.D., Smilex said something to the effect that he eas estj, based on the fact that his character was modeled after Sherlock Holmes, and Holmes is regarded as the "estj type" in Russia (even their names are synonomous). Just for fun I want to re-analyze these two...
Sherlock Holmes
Right off the bat we are told he is the anti-estj... not stuffy, prude like, or stereotypically proper.Originally Posted by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes
Manic... not sure if that's really type related...He may suffer from bipolar disorder, alternating between days or weeks of listless lassitude and similar periods of intense engagement with a challenging case or with his hobby, experimental chemistry: "extreme exactness and astuteness... [or a] poetic and contemplative mood", "outbursts of passionate energy... followed by reactions of lethargy."
Again, being addicted to stimulants is not really type related, but I don't think it's very estj-ish, either... seems a bit more Se or maybe Ne...Modern readers of the Holmes stories are apt to be surprised that he was an occasional user (a habitual user when lacking in stimulating cases) of cocaine and morphine, though Watson describes this as Holmes' "only vice". But, as recorded in one of the last stories, Watson was gradually able to convince Holmes to discontinue the use of these drugs:
"For years I had gradually weaned him from that drug mania which had threatened once to check his remarkable career. Now I knew that under ordinary conditions he no longer craved for this artificial stimulus, but I was well aware that the fiend was not dead, but sleeping."
Here's more good stuff... bending the law, breaking into things, and lieing to the police is a no-no for Te... sounds more like a Ti type.Typically of his time, Watson did not consider a vice Holmes' habit of smoking (usually a pipe) heavily, nor his willingness to bend the truth and break the law (e.g., lie to the police, conceal evidence, burgle and housebreak) when it suited his purposes.
Seemingly dispassionate towards others sounds more like Introversion... but not always...Holmes can often be quite dispassionate and cold; however, when hot on the trail of a mystery, he can display a remarkable passion given his usual languor.
Se, again maybe Ne.He has a flair for showsmanship, and often, he prepares dramatic traps to capture the culprit of a crime which are staged to impress Watson or one of the Scotland Yard inspectors (as at the end of "The Norwood Builder").
Now this part sounds very Introverted... at least if not then Introverted judgment (estj will not hold back or hide things).He also holds back on his chain of reasoning, not revealing it or only giving cryptic hints and surprising results, until the very end, when he can explain all of his deductions at once.
STHolmes does have an ego that sometimes seems to border on arrogance; however, his arrogance is usually deserved. He seems to enjoy baffling the police inspectors with his superior deductions.
Another point that is clearly Introverted... what Extravert would let other people take praise for their actions and only want congradulations from one or two close friends?Holmes is usually quite content to allow the police to take the credit for his work, with Watson being the only one to broadcast his own roles in the case (in "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty", he remarks that of his last fifty-three cases, the police have had all the credit in forty-nine), although he enjoys receiving praise from personal friends and those who take a serious interest in his work.
Fearless Se type.Holmes is generally quite fearless. He dispassionately surveys horrific, brutal crime scenes; he does not allow superstition (as in "The Hound of the Baskervilles") or grotesque situations to make him afraid; and he intrepidly confronts violent murderers. He is generally unfazed by threats from his criminal enemies, and indeed Holmes himself remarks that it is the danger of his profession that has attracted him to it.
Gregory House
Vicodin is a sythetically-produced medical drug that has similar effects to opium...Originally Posted by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_m.d.
Irritable... is that Ti?His colleagues frequently suggest that his physical pain affects his medical judgment and exacerbates his irritable personality, although his ex-girlfriend Stacy later says House had the same personality before he was in constant pain.
Asperger's... Introversion?In Season 3, Episode 4 it is suggested that he might have Asperger syndrome, although this is quickly revealed by Wilson to be a plot to get the blood-stained carpet House was standing on when he was shot, back into his office.
Reading people is usually said to be feeling, but it says that he simply doesn't care... I see this as meaning House is supposed to be a highly intelligent person (which means that they can use their weaker functions well), but that Feeling isn't dominant because it's not a part of his idenity; he is smart enough to use it but still disregards it.Unlike many (though not all) with Asperger's, House has a strong ability to read people and social cues. However, he simply doesn't care about the feelings behind them except when he can use them to his advantage.
Having a low tolerence for bordem is either Se of Ne. That is why House is often seen doing things like ride his Motorcycle, playing one of his games, or multi-tasking by juggling a ball/listening to music while trying to solve a case.One of House's distinctive traits is his low tolerance for boredom, which results in his unusual role in the series' hospital. When unoccupied or thinking, he has been seen juggling, listening to music, watching soap operas, constructing elaborate contraptions from objects in his office,playing with a ball or yo-yo and, most frequently, twirling his cane with one hand. In many episodes, House can be seen playing a handheld video game console (typically Metroid Zero Mission on the Game Boy Advance SP at the beginning of Season 1 and Metroid Prime Hunters on the Nintendo DS towards the end of the series). At the end of Season 3, Episode 4 (Lines in the Sand), House acquires a patient's Sony PSP.
Maybe Te or Ti?In spite of this apparent frivolity and impatience (with a "nine to three" job), House is nevertheless dedicated once a problem takes his attention, and he cannot resist a challenge. Many of the critical diagnoses in the show come at the end of a long night's study. True to his tenacity, he enacts an elaborate plot and learns Hindi in order to avenge a slight, by a former colleague, from decades previous.
Holmes vs. House
House also shares a number of personality quirks with the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. The show's creator, David Shore, has said in an interview [2] that the character of Dr. House is indeed partly inspired by Holmes. This comes full circle as Arthur Conan Doyle modeled Holmes on his mentor and gifted surgeon, Dr. Joseph Bell.
Among the characteristics the two characters share are
* the characters' surnames (Holmes and House) are homophonically-related synonyms;Dominant Thinking.* their ability to come to rapid conclusions after the briefest examination of a client/patient;
Again, are drugs type related?* opiate addiction (opium for Holmes and Vicodin for House) Holmes also used cocaine; House also has used morphine and LSD, as seen in Who's Your Daddy and Distractions respectively;
Defintate Introversion, again.* heavily misanthropic personalities and a desire for solitude;
In otherwords, Holmes/House represent the ST temperment which is contrasted by their only close friend (Introversion) Watson/Wislon representing the NF temperment.* the fact that each character has only one real friend (Dr. Wilson being a direct reference to Dr. Watson) who connects the cerebral hero to human concerns;[3]
Se/Ne (musically inclined, play-loving, etc...).* both House and Holmes play a musical instrument, House plays the piano and guitar, and Holmes plays the violin.
Te and Ti, respectively.* their use of deductive and inductive reasoning
Feel free to disagree.
Te > Ti
Se > Si
It would be easy to say he doesn't value Fe or Fi (lol), but in his relationship with Wilson he seems to like to push buttons and test Wilson's loyalty to him, and I believe that the way and reasons he does it demonstrate that he values Fi. I believe his other relationships also demonstrate a value for Fi over Fe. Also, I definitely see Ni.
As far as quadra descriptions:
Blue = not him at all
Red= very him
1. Alpha Quadra [top]
extraverted intuition blocked with introverted logic:
Types from the Alpha Quadra enjoy freely exchanging new ideas and theories as a form of intellectual leisure. They like to systematize knowledge and create new categories and speculative hypotheses without necessarily intending to see their theories tested or implemented (subdued extraverted logic).
extraverted ethics blocked with introverted sensing:
This quadra enjoys carefree emotional expression and sensory delights and is able to derive never-ending pleasure from simple things — funny stories, exotic dishes, family picnics and group outings, and visual and performing arts.
Subdued elements:
The Alpha Quadra is especially sensitive to and critical of mercantilistic views, ostentatious displays of wealth and status symbols, rude and aggressive behavior, moral criticism, and people who suggest they are wasting their time on unproductive things.
Typical Alpha quadra group behavior:
Spontaneous, disorganized activities "for the fun of it." Light-hearted, non-serious atmosphere with very few "heavy" moments. Skipping from topic to topic without reaching any permanent conclusions.2. Beta Quadra [top]
extraverted ethics blocked with introverted intuition:
This quadra encourages dramatic self-expression with elements of theatricism and melodrama. They enjoy finding artistic means to express romantic, abstract ideals and feelings.
extraverted sensing blocked with introverted logic:
Types from the Beta Quadra are drawn to hierarchical structures that increase their personal power. They like to see convictions and beliefs materialized physically in the real world. They are often starkly blunt in their views and like "strong" humor.
Subdued elements:
The Beta Quadra is especially sensitive to and critical of earthiness, pronounced pragmatism, emotional indifference, and people who analyze their psychology and motives behind their backs.
Typical Beta quadra group behavior:
Lengthy, theatrical monologues. Loud, hearty laughter. Importance given to group rituals such as those related to food and drink. Displays of great generosity and inclusion, but with the demand of emotional involvement in group. Rowdiness. Generally theatrical atmosphere, but with periodic moments of "dead seriousness."3. Gamma Quadra [top]
extraverted sensing blocked with introverted ethics:
Types from the Gamma Quadra have a realistic, materialistic outlook on life, relationships, and society and tend to view life as a marketplace where forcefulness, positive thinking, social maneuvering, hustle and bustle, and loud humor get you where you need to go.
extraverted logic blocked with introverted intuition:
This quadra believes that ideas and fortuitous events should be turned into something profitable and marketable — something that does some kind of work for people. The Gamma Quadra values self-sacrifice in the name of serving society.
Subdued elements:
The Gamma Quadra looks down on indulging in self-centered pleasures and in engaging in activities unrelated to society's needs.
Typical Gamma quadra group behavior:
Trading jokes on materialistic topics (money, sex, winning and losing). Rowdiness and drivenness. Prefer socializing in smaller groups (about six people or less) and planning and carrying out productive activities together.Most of what's in red is related to Te and Se.4. Delta Quadra [top]
extraverted logic blocked with introverted sensing:
Types from the Delta Quadra value pragmatism, hard work, beautifully functional items, and earthy humor and enjoy "productive" relationships where people do projects together. They are usually emotionally subdued and like to discuss topics seriously with the intention of implementing their conclusions.
extraverted intuition blocked with introverted ethics:
Types of this quadra enjoy discussing people, internal motivation, and self-development. They believe in peaceful self-government without coercion and in the inherent potential of each human being for personal fulfillment.
Subdued elements:
The Delta Quadra doesn't appreciate high ideals or abstractions that don't relate well to real life. They also don't like large institutions or power systems that do not take into consideration the interests of separate individuals.
Typical Delta quadra group behavior:
Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Enjoy group outdoor activities. "Live and let live" attitude. Engage only in "productive" activities and discussions. Prefer smaller groups. Emotionally subdued; generally serious, but with periodic funny moments.
House is a bit of a "bully". He is rude and very sarcastic, and he almost never just comes right out and says stuff... instead he'll say things that are intended to come across harshly and force people to figure out what he's getting at for themselves. He knows how people feel and think about things, and is very good at predicting their thought processes. He uses to challenge people and push them to reach certain conclusions. He likes to be seen as an ass and does what he can to avoid "mushy" and "feel good" moments. When he has a theory, it is never for the sake of the theory itself. It's always intended to accomplish something specific. If an idea doesn't turn out to be helpful, he immediately discards it and moves on while his comrades are still pondering why it didn't work. The only time he'll revisit it is if it provides a clue to figuring out cause and effect relationships.
Joy. *shrugs* You talk about Te so much (you think Cartman is Te too, right?). Don't you think it'd help if you told people what you think Te is instead, since a lot of people still think you're Ti?
lol like who? http://the16types.no-ip.info/forums/...pic.php?t=8338
It seems most people actually think I have a Ti PoLR these days.
No, I do not think Cartman is Te... he's Se... ESTp I believe. If I ever said that I thought he was Te, it was when I thought that 3 of the ESTps here were actually ENTjs.
I've written stuff recently about Te and Ti, but I am on my way out the day and don't have time to get into Te and Ti specifically at the moment. I can later, if you really want me to get into that in this thread.
lol, I love the analysis.
It is funny that I have superficially typed both Holmes and House as INTp (with a slim alternative possibility of ISTp). I can't remember if it was today or yesterday, but I suddenly remembered Dr. House and decided he could have been ISTp! I also decided that Wilson was ENFj, but delta NF would make even more sense, because Wilson listens and tries to understand in stead of entertaining and making House's life more cheerful.
I haven't read any Holmes recently, but from "the best screen version" I typed Watson as ISTj. There were moments when Watson almost showed some semi-ISFj behavior, which resulted in momentary activity and one very energized Holmes...
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
Most everyone on this forum who was here since you claimed to be entp are probably still wondering why you ever changed your mind.Originally Posted by Joy
Oh, good, I guess I can't complain with that.No, I do not think Cartman is Te... he's Se... ESTp I believe. If I ever said that I thought he was Te, it was when I thought that 3 of the ESTps here were actually ENTjs.
Quotes/links would be good enough.I've written stuff recently about Te and Ti, but I am on my way out the day and don't have time to get into Te and Ti specifically at the moment. I can later, if you really want me to get into that in this thread.
Like I said, in Russia they generally consider Holmes to be estj based on his deductive skills (Te), and attention to details (while Watson is attributed to often "awakening" Holmes' "intuition"), though I pointed out in my first post why I think that's wrong and what they missed.Originally Posted by Kristiina
I also think Wilson is enfp.
Interestttiiinnnggg ^.^
I think of Wilson as ENFp too
I thought we'd already talked about this via PM?Originally Posted by Rocky
Anyways, I'll start a new thread so as to not disrupt this one.
are you enfp?Originally Posted by Clover
What about your links to the Te discussions?Originally Posted by Joy
Just read the first post. I'll have to get back to you with more later.
for some reason when I search for posts in which I said "Te" the results say "No topics or posts met your search criteria"
Originally Posted by Rocky
No, I am aurora_faerie, ISFp. ^.^
*raises an eyebrow*
Originally Posted by Joy
*doesn't blink*
Okay, I've heard INTp, ENTp, and now ESTj. If you look at the quadra descriptions on Rick's site, he definitely fits Gamma the best and Alpha the least. And other than being based on the character of Sherlock Holmes, I see no reason to think he's ESTj.
I would actually prefer to reserve judgment on his type for now because I have some conflicting ideas.
When asked why he became a doctor.
"When I was 14 my father was stationed in Japan. I went rock climbing with this kid from school. He fell, got injured and I had to bring him to the hospital. We came in through the wrong entrance and passed this guy in the hall. It was a janitor. My friend came down with an infection and the doctors didn't know what to do. So they brought in the janitor. He was a doctor. And a Buraku. One of Japan's untouchables. His ancestors had been slaughterers, grave diggers. And this guy, he knew that he wasn't accepted by the staff, he didn't even try. He didn't dress well. He didn't pretend to be one of them. The people that ran that place, they didn't think that he had anything they wanted. Except when they needed him. Because he was right. Which meant that nothing else mattered. And they had to listen to him."
"I have difficulty with is the whole concept of belief. Faith isn't based on logic and experience."
Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says what he thinks."
Dr. Petra Gilmar (interviewing for a fellowship with House): "I know you like to play games with people. I know you like to say outrageous things and study how they react."
House: "I don't know how to have casual conversation. You think you're talking about one thing, and either you are and it's incredibly boring, or you're not because it's subtext and you need a decoder ring."
I don't think anyone cares nearly as much as you think they do.
*runs away*
Why do you think I think anyone cares?
Stacy:"You browbeat patients, intimidate them, lie to them. If you think you're right you don't give a damn what they think."
Foreman: "You ever think about writing a book on office politics?"
i dunno, cuz you made 9 of the 11 posts in this thread. i figure you think people actually care about what he is or why you think he's not what Smilex says he is.Originally Posted by Joy
i care, and INTp seems to be the obvious choice but how can you type someone with drug addictions, traumatic painful surgeries, and just emotional issues in general?
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying
lol you're sorely mistaken... I never think about the people reading my posts when I write them (unless I'm trying to be obnoxious, like in the Si thread in General). This place is more like an interactive journal for me than anything.Originally Posted by cracka