Thanks for the reply, Pedro, it is much appreciated. From a purist viewpoint, ok, I see where you are coming from. I have a few comments, but not much time right now. So more later.
People don't like listening to reason.. especially emotional people. idealistic? even worse.. just leave it alone, dude.
Also, what people think of what we (NTs) say, how we think, etc.. comes to the bitter light when you try to suggest something to them. Its very different from the nice-nice they spill in your ear, amplifying its shock value. But we think similarly about the over use of emotions in everyday life. Who's lying?
People like listening to reason, honey, and wow, they might even get you if you explain it to them. Read the thread in its entirety and if you don't see it, you are missing the point. As for the rest of your eloquent contribution, either read up on other types or shut up because you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Don't be so eager to play the "those-emotional-idiots-hate-logic" card because you might fail to see the logic in their reasoning. It might be conceived differently and expressed differently and might have involved a different kind of effort and could be based on different preconceptions, but it's logic nonetheless.
But I've seen ENFPs endure absolutely horrible relationships.. for what reason, I don't know.. so I guess you can as well.
Well, I know the reasons and I know of my own vulnerabilities. So no, I can't anymore. Which brings me back to my point, as you can see.
And don't talk to me like I'm some stupid little emotional twit. I've heard it all before and it bores me to tears.