Quote Originally Posted by Five
Hi there,

I think that I'm ISTj (fairly certain of it), but another possibility includes ISFj and I've also thought about INFj.

The reason why I'm considering Feeling types is because, when I took the Big Five test, I got a very low score for Neuroticism (i.e. I'm very calm under pressure), which might explain appearing to be a Thinking type. But I'm sensitive, emotionally intelligent, considerate and also can get quite upset when I get into real trouble with superiors (I'm conflict-adverse), and I got a high score for Agreeableness on the Big Five, all of which seem like F traits to me (not that I'm saying that Thinkers cannot be agreeable; I'm just looking at the evidence as a whole). I'll probably start a new topic about this in a while.

As I don't believe that I'm INTj, I would like the article to be removed because it was written to reflect my personality. Should I PM admin about this?

Hmm....... I got really low scores for agreeableness, if I remember correctly.

But I've had a lot of lessons in "F", so to say. A lot of things..... that I probably shouldn't have seen, in that regard. But I have. And I have learned from them. I'd never lable myself an "F" type, though.

Some things are "lost in translation", it seems