I don't find many types to be intimidating;
that said, I say speaking objectively ISTj sensory subtype.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
The trait I find most intimidating is organization. People who are really well organized are amazing. So anyone with a strong has the potential to intimidate me.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.-Mark Twain
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
I honestly can't think of anyone who intimidates me.
Fat people.
ISFp. Never know what they'll do or say next. They make me tense.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
Other INFps.
probably ESTjs. They intimidate me with their stupidity. These folks, act on, stand by, and chart, forcefully, the course of people's life on their own shitty conclusions. God.
... and so do INTPs...Originally Posted by MySaviour
What? INTps act?Originally Posted by Rocky
Well no, but they can criticize and verbally force their beliefs onto people, believing that they know what's right for everyone. But only some INTPs apparently.
I can't really disagree with you, but ESTj's are out of control man. The kiddie INTp shit doesn't hold a candle, generally, to what ESTj's (and other types, obviously) see as their right to do. What you have to see is that I'm not limiting these traits to just an ESTj, but rather I am using them to provide a reason as to why I generally don't like ESTjs. Even if I am overbearing myself, I can't help but NOT like others who force themselves onto other people.Originally Posted by Rocky
(I say I'm overbearing, but I don't really think that I am. In fact, I let most everything slide, because I just can't find the energy, or reason, to say anything).
Also, I see a difference between defending one's beliefs and PUSHING one's beliefs onto another, for whatever reason. While I like to think that I defend my beliefs (and am proud when I have successfully done so), I don't think I force them onto anyone. heh.
I think stupidity is the wrong word here...more like stubborn or strong willed. As far as Us making shitty conclusions, that all of course depends on what you're talking about. It's definitely Not the argument I'd like to get into on a message board, but you're saying with this statement that ESTJ's are always wrong in their thinking...Originally Posted by MySaviour
Do you not see how this entire statement is you trying to push your belief of why ESTJ's suck onto other people? Like I said, I'm not wanting to argue here but you're coming off as a total Dick, and I just wanted to point that out to you.Originally Posted by MySaviour
I would however like to hear about an experience with an ESTJ that makes you see this type as a whole this way?
I think it's a clear example of skewed perception, that is, the people that are ESTjs but that aren't particularly overbearing will end up not being typed as ESTj, therefore continuing the legacy of identification of overbearing as ESTj.
Never had any problem of overbearingness with ESTjs but hey, I'm another dominant, so of course I don't perceive anyone as overbearing.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
I maybe should have littered my response with the "tends to" and "maybes," but I don't regret not doing so. I don't like and am intimidated by people who are similar to what I described in my previous post, that I will stand by, because it is true for me. As for tacking all those words to the ESTj personality type, I did that because that is the specific characteristic of the typical ESTj that really gets to me. I thought I made that clear. Of course I sound like a dick, I just insulted you, in a "roundabout way."Originally Posted by cracka
I stand by my use of the word stupid, because I am talking about the (frequent) instances in which ESTjs tend to become stubborn/stuck in their beliefs, and then start physically forcing the hand of those around them, although those around them have their own direction in mind. Is it so hard to understand what I am talking about here?
Do you not see how this entire statement is you trying to push your belief of why ESTJ's suck onto other people?
No, I do not see how I am pushing/forcing my beliefs on anyone. Please educate me. In that last post I stated my beliefs, and in this post I am defending them, pending more information.
What would make me a force would be the act of going out and imprisoning everyone who disagreed with my viewpoint, or firing them from my place of employment, or thinking of them as the scum of the earth AND afterwards trying to reduce them, physically, to nothing more than scum.
Before you continue, do you understand what I am saying?
i think this brings up a broader issue of making generalizations about an entire type from a limited experience. i know i do this as well; being able to type someone then filing away observed behaviors under the category. but how valid is this? in this instance, it would seem that the larger population sample we have, the more accurate and valid our descriptions will be. for better or worse, i often hold the judgements about the validity of personality descriptions by the type themselves to be the deciding factor.
that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.
I do see your point MySaviour, it's a rather extreme view but I do see where you are coming from, I'm just not about to start an argument about it. :wink:
Wow.. this is a thread about personal bias.. everyone states who intimidates then, and things are fine.. I chime in, and then bullshit, because I offended some dude. Oh, my.
Uhm, sometimes other INFp's.
not so much bullshit as much as unintentionally straying off topic. sorry.Originally Posted by MySaviour
and i don't find any types intimidating. i do find some types enviable though. enfp/infp/estp.
that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.
estj.. they think they're perfect
I've never had any contact with my supervisor (ENTj) so I can't weigh in on that note..
I think I find seeking people quite intimidating.. well actually, I just find intimidating in general. ISTps are scary usually, but I think I'm more intimidated by very loud extraverts (if they don't talk to me, I mean) in groups..
Like FDG, I think ISTjs are the scariest to most people (not to me). I personally don't get scared easily, but ENFj-Fes and ESTps can be overwhelming sometimes. And certain psychotic INTps are also scary.
IME EIEs that want something from me are really scary.
i'm usually not intimidated by beta STs; their anger is often predictable and easily ignorable. for the most part, however, beta STs just leave me alone.
...or close to it... :wink:Originally Posted by jaja
Nah, seriously, I think it's more like ESTj strives to act/be perfect and are a bit disillusioned by others who they deem as imperfect and not willing to straighten themselves. ESTj has a hard time understanding why most people don't put as much effort or just plain don't care about the things they do.
As for the most intimidating type? I think it depends on how much confidence you have in yourself. I don't find any type particularly intimidating. Still, here are a few honorable mentions: ESFp (wiggling about all the time asking why I'm not having as much fun as they are, thinking they know me like that); ISTj (it's like living with a strange guard dog that isn't yours); and ESFj (they're great if you want your entire personal life and all that it entails to be heard in the grapevine).
I'm not sure about the most intimidating type.
But I get uncomfortable around many ESFjs. Especially those heavy on Fe.
But I find ESTjs really cool. The 2 ESTjs I know definitely don't think they're perfect. But they strive for the best, and they're hardworking & smart. We get along very well.
I used to feel uncomfortable with ENTP's. Some of them can be really witty and clever and make fun of you all the time.
I always hoped they didn't choose me as their victim. Which for some reason fortunately was seldom the case.
I find female ESFjs very charming and extremely nice and hospitable. However, when they don't like you, they can talk to you in a very sarcastic way or/and treat you really badly.Originally Posted by Mea
Entj's. esp when they are your CEO, lol.
Intp's when they are your supervisor.
Estj's when they think they are above you.
Infj's when they don't handle their supervisory role, er, properly
those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often
Se-LSI is definitely up there. The combination of being quiet, yet forceful and willing to judge, as well as quite blunt, can make them pretty scary. LIEs are also up there: some of them just make me feel dumb because they seem to know SO MUCH about EVERYTHING They can be pretty rough to argue with: they're really good at directing the debate wherever it is they'd like it to go, and I definitely have to put in an effort to make sure my conclusions are heard and made explicit before they try to switch gears on me.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
Also ISFj-Ses are good at making me feel really uncomfortable just by being there.
Eh...SEEs are more intimidating than ESIs, IME. I actually get along better with ESIs than SEEs, at least at first.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
LSIs and SLEs if they have any kind of formal power over me - not otherwise.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
lol. I think I could agree with that, but I'm reluctant to say they intimidate me.Originally Posted by thehotelambush
My personal intimidator is a physically attractive ENTp who I don't know, unless he is less intelligent than I am. Also, very intelligent IxTps.
To other people, I think the most intimidating type would be one who seems superhuman and will try to conform his surroundings, or have some power over them in a way that would affect other people. That's a xxxj, maybe one without Si. So Maybe ENxj/ISxj.
wow, a lot are intimidated by istj's.
hehe i like istj's. maybe because i'm an isfj and i can relate?
huh. i'm not afraid of them. i like them, too! :-)Originally Posted by jaja
those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often
I second that. You have to read about the anecdotes about Stalin's speeches to the party: when he entered the room liked to stand still and look at people. Those who got his attention almost frozen. Also, people was afraid of stopping clapping, so they went for minutes...Originally Posted by FDG
[] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)
You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life. - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.