anybody geeky enough to have this discussion?
anybody geeky enough to have this discussion?
Doctor "Ricky"
Ricky/Mickey "it's Mickey"
Doctor "No. It's Ricky"
Ricky/Mickey "I think I know my own name"
Doctor "You think?"
*Mickey the idiot*
Doctor who - generally ILE
Rose - SEE
Mickey - IEI
Cybermen - LSI
Daleks - SLI
Dolphin - SLI
Doctor #9: LSI
Doctor #10: ILE
Rose: EIE
Jackie: SEE
Martha: I dunno
Donna: LIE or LSE (or ESI, oddly enough)
Captain Jack: SEE (for sure)
Rickey/Mickey : ILE or IEE
Rose's dad: ILE
The current doctor definitely has Ne in his Ego block...I think ENFp should be considered .
I think Captain Jack may be an ENFj (I think the actor is that type, actually). He's from the 50th century A.D. and has very advanced ethics and has no reason to fear death and he's always talking about how the 21st century is when it all kicks off and oh god I love him so.
He can seem a little camp at times...
It seems like he's on every single show on TV nowadays. He was the stand in host for somebody on a morning chatshow yesterday, he is a judge on this musical programme, and he hosts a quiz show where adults have to beat smart kids at various questions. He's also released his own autobiography as well as a record.
I am. I love Doctor Who. I've only seen a few episodes of the older show from the 60s-80s (all episodes are on bittorrent if anyone cares) but the new show has become my favorite Sci-Fi series that's currently on, despite BBC's underfunding.
The Ninth Doctor is ISTj, the Tenth is ENTp.
And Rose is ENFj, and Donna probably ISFj.
Martha, no idea.
It is so wierd that you guys see Donna as ISFj to me. I see a lot of reactiveness... Maybe I'm confusing leading with the + combination...
I could easily see Doctor #9 as LSI.
the old ones are really good but a different sort of scifi given the funding and technology available to the BBC at the times. Can seem a bit campy now. But as far as storytelling and characters it far superior to most of what you get on TV. I've seen them all (well except for the episodes of the first and second doctor that the BBC lost/destroyed).
I cannot believe there hasn't been a thread on this already.
The Doctor
Eleven: EIE-ILE, 7w8 sp/so (ENTP). I've heard ILE-Ne and it's quite plausible, but he's really too good at using both Fe and Fi to be anything but an Fj. For example, in The Pandorica Opens he patiently guided Amy into ignoring him and realizing there's a guy named Rory in the room.
Ten: ILE-IEE, 2w1 so/sx (ENFP). I'd originally pegged him as IEE-ILE based on how nice and helpful and attached to people he is, but he (unlike Eleven) has some trouble with Ethical aspects. He's rude, often unintentionally and with hilarious results.
Nine: SEE-ILE, 1w2 sx/sp (ENFP). Much more of an in-your-face, commanding presence than the other two, and more worried about propriety (more Serious); such as when he scolded Jack about flirting at work (or something like that -- I forget the details, but I do remember he used the words "time and a place").
Eight: EIE-IEE, 2w1 sx/so (ENFJ)
Seven: IEI-LIE, 1w2 so/sp (INTJ)
Six: SEE-SLE, 1w2 sp/sx (ENFP)
Five: EII-EII, 2w1 so/sp (INFP)
Four: EIE-ILE, 7w8 sx/sp (ENFP)
Three: LSI-LII, 5w6 so/sp (ISTP)
Two: EIE-ILE, 2w1 so/sx (ENFP)
One: LSI-LII, 5w6 sx/sp (INTJ)
Last edited by Aleksei; 12-11-2010 at 01:00 AM.
What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.
Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).
For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.
-Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov
IEE for 11 anyone?
OMG I'M SO EXCITED THAT PETER CAPALDI IS THE NEXT DOCTOR. I think he's an amazing choice. I was hoping for an older Doctor, and I think that the older man with a more commanding presence and darker vibe will be a good match for the young, flippant Jenna-Louise Coleman companion. I'll miss Matt Smith, but he's not been as awesome without the Ponds.
I'm so looking forward to seeing the guy who does the dragon's voice in Merlin as a Doctor, and I'm even more excited to see Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor.
I'm also looking forward to seeing David Tennant in Doctor Who again. I didn't much care for Broadchurch.
Bottom line: November 23rd can't come soon enough. If I could afford to, I would fly to the UK to watch it in theaters.
1st Doctor: ESI-Se
2nd Doctor: SLE-Se
3rd Doctor: LSE-Si
4th Doctor: IEE-Ne
5th Doctor: SLI-Te
6th Doctor: ILE
7th Doctor: LSI-Se
9th Doctor: IEI-Fe
10th Doctor: IEE-Fi
11th Doctor: SEI?
12th Doctor:
Rose: SLE-Se
Jack: ESE-Fe
Martha: EIE-Fe
Donna: ESE
River Song:
Amy: ILE?
Rory: EII?
Rose's Mom: LII-Ne
Donna's Grandpa:
The types that aren't in bold are still uncertain.
All suggestions will be considered.
13th doctor - IEI
I suspect that many of us have seen the show but that it is fairly difficult to type such an "individual". Also, I can only really remember the last series reasonably well, with few insights into the personality of the Doctor other than he is a zany fellow who is heavily influenced by the style\personality of the actor playing him. IEE or at least for the 10th Doctor works at least, in comparison to Matt Smith's Doctor who seems more energetic and maybe an EIE one.
Just a quick impression of the new doctor... maybe not a final typing.
The actress Jodie Whittaker – ESE
The 13th doctor – ILE
as the personality should stay, new Doctor should be lesbian
they ruin the series by the vulgarity. though after the boring idiocy of the last seasons this changes not so much
Jodie Whittaker - Fe
previous 2 were ILE, before IEE and yet before SLI
Yeah, please tell me your dreams...
Oh really?
That's obvious
No final typing for the 9th doctor from me... I've only seen 2 episodes with Eccelstone (as the doctor) so far, but he seems too quirky to be SLI
10th doctor: IEE , yes
11th doctor: ILE
12th doctor: LII-Ne
Davros and Doctor
I can see them
eternal conflictors
I seriously think you'd misunderstand my argument... Hint: It wasn't serious at all.