Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
Although understanding intertype relations can be cool if played off a certain way, by and large it's misunderstood and misinterpreted by people who don't know you that well. You may be seen as a freak who analyzes people and compatibility.

Things go over people's heads. The longer you study socionics, the less you realize how other people don't understand.

Obsession with duality is unhealthy. Simply understanding socionics and duality won't make you closer to actually meeting a dual. You still must live in the real world.

Resorting to socionics to understand the relationships of everyone in your life isn't going to magically make them all better. It may help yes, but be wary of how much time you spend thinking about socionics versus how much time you spend actually living.

I do not discuss socionics with anyone who's not on this forum. lol

It can be hard to meet a dual. This is true. But whereas before knowing socionics I would NEVER have thought I'd get along with an SLE, now I can recognize them and try to strike up a friendship, knowing that the benefits will be worth the trouble. That's worth something.

Understanding relationships and people (whether through socionics or enneagram) doesn't automatically make your relationships better but, like Slackermom said, it might help you to realize that other people aren't crazy.

Oh, I have also been stuck in that position of "knowing" things because of socionics, which can be awkward. For example, you can guess how someone else's relationship is going if you know the two types, especially when you have other small bits of information and time for observation. Suddenly you can see & understand things that no one else can. It's... weird.