Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post

xLI - Personal philosophy - > Getting people on your level to do business
xEE - Personal influence - > Getting people on your team to make allies
xII - Personal outlooks - > Getting people aware of the future to acknowledge the ability to change
xSE - Personal territory - > Getting people to behave to create a controlled environment
xEI - Personal allies - > Getting people to be allies to increase your influence
xLE - Personal business - > Getting people to work together to understand their structure
xSI - Personal comfort - > Getting people to be comfortable to declare your territory
xIE - Personal abilities - > Getting people to acknowledge your abilities to change their outlooks(the future)

Limiting / Observing / Ignoring
(the words can be used interchangeably, so use them as such!)

LxE - Philosophy - > Observing the structure of people and situations to control its business
ExI - Influence - > Observing the influence of people and situations to control allies
IxE - Outlooks - > Observing the outlooks of people and situations to control their abilities
SxI - Territory - > Observing the territory of people and situations to control its suitability
ExE - Allies - > Observing the allies of people and situations to control your influence
LxI - Business - > Observing the business of people and situations to control its structure
SxE - Suitability - > Observing the suitability of people and situations to control the territory
IxI - Abilities - > Observing the abilities of people and situations to control the future
This is good. But it seems like each of those relationships can be inverted.