this is a thread where the less discussion, the better... just vote
I suppose if you want to say "conflicting" or "contrary" or "beneficiary" or whatever, that would be okay
this is a thread where the less discussion, the better... just vote
I suppose if you want to say "conflicting" or "contrary" or "beneficiary" or whatever, that would be okay
yeah, I think beneficiaries are among the most annoying, if not the most
but i think everyone already knew that (about me)
IEE 649 sx/sp cp
What's wrong with benefiaries? Are your experiences with them that bad?
Personally, I don't think that types are annoying. It's the people who might be annoying.
Without a doubt..ESFJ
ESFj's are fine as long as they are not in a position where they have authority over you. In that case, they are the epitome of annoyingness.
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch
6w7 sp/sx
My boss is an ESFj.
I voted ESFj.
My closest friend is an ESFj but she is not as nagging and petty as some others I have known.
I cant It's like choosing which Skittle tastes better :/ I just want the sweet, sweet sugar dammit.
I like the green ones best.Originally Posted by Jadae
I happen to like esfj's. The most annoying? Everybody's annoying and hard to live with.
Black licorice is le ewwww. Red licorice is okay. If black licorice is a flavor then it is one of bad behavior imo! See, I could pick up a green ENTp skittle and nibble it and spit it out cause it tastes like black licorice ass inside but then I pick up another green ENTp skittle (hi Blaze!) and it tastes like pure, unadulterated sugar. Woot!Originally Posted by vague case anyone else was wondering.
Tally ho.Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
Thanx s.c. I was wondering where that came from.
Hey, Jadae. :-)
Narcissistic or arrogant mirrors and identicals are very annoying types, at least to me.
Some arrogant Alpha NTs make snap cynical judgments about other people's intelligence. And it is intelligence we're talking about, because they crave worship for their own intellect while despising their followers' lack of critical thinking. It's worse for the fact that they have a poorly developed theory of mind and interpret others very literally, conflating the two.
Others can be impossible to reason with because they never back down from an argument, choosing to reinterpret what you said to fit their models.
... yeah, probably true of all intellectually-arrogant people to some extent. It's just annoying when it happens in your quadra.
I'm changing my answer to include the self-sacrificial narcissistic type of ESFj.
I guess that would make it the e2-ESE that I find the most put it mildly.
IEE 649 sx/sp cp
This is so true. I can't stand any person that judges someones intelligence because they made some mistake one time. I think it's pretty typical of anyone who wants their own intelligence affirmed if only for their own self-confidence. I think the NTs can do this in the mental sphere whereas STs do this more often in the physical realm.
Last edited by Contra; 09-28-2014 at 05:42 PM.
As we reach for the stars, we must put away childish things; gods, spirits and other phantasms of the brain. Reality is cruel and unforgiving, yet we must steel ourselves and secure the survival of our race through the unflinching pursuit of science and technology.
- Stellaris
I could never pick just one type for this. Any type can be annoying, and it's usually as a result of how they've learned to socialize or... well... engage in any behavior. However if I were to pick some types that most frequently annoy me it would have to be the more energetic IEEs, ESEs, and XEIs with accentuated Ti HA.
My 2006 post was referring to three specific people that i had talked about during that time on this forum.
My near-murderously-abusive father,
My autistic-like daughter (who is also e1, which felt extremely controlling to me at that time)
And the "psycho-bitch-from-hell" that I had accidently became friends with. Thankfully I got out of that successfully.
IEE 649 sx/sp cp
Any type that doesn't treat me like a human being.
As we reach for the stars, we must put away childish things; gods, spirits and other phantasms of the brain. Reality is cruel and unforgiving, yet we must steel ourselves and secure the survival of our race through the unflinching pursuit of science and technology.
- Stellaris
Hmmm. I dislike neurotic people, but irl I can get along with them too. (I’m pretty reserved around people I don’t know).
Last week I was staring off into space (I often do) and my sister’s neurotic friend said “why are you always staring at me, it’s creepy.”
I told her she was a not hot homophobe and she started cracking up laughing. I guess the way I said it? I then again, for the third or fourth time, explained to her that I’m not gay (especially not for her).
Now we’re friends; I think mostly because she thinks I’m funny. I believe her to be ESI?(it took her about a year to warm up to me, dresses in black usually, and hates everyone)
Last edited by chriscorey; 09-28-2014 at 06:52 PM.
The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice
I never understood all the hate ESE's receive everywhere in the typing world. I mean, I understand the common complaints against them, but there are far worse people out there. Few of my very dear friends are ESE's and they make for very loyal and caring friends. Also great to hang out when not too dramatic or neurotic.
I can take almost everything, but a self-righteous, holier- than-thou ESI, EII or IEE is just
Wow, so many ESEs here. I thought of my ESE Benefactor ex, and for most annoying type. But then I remembered two friends I have always loved who exemplify everything good about ESE, and always have, and realized there is nothing at all annoying about them. Nothing at all, over a long time, and I know them well, in every different situation. They exemplify everything good about ESE and are truly noble and admirable persons. So, no to ESE for annoying.
I thought maybe ISTj, thinking of a judging cranky one I know, but then thought of my favorite priest I admire more than any in the world who is everything ISTj (and some would call him judging and cranky! However, he has a large following who love him for his great strength of stalwart character, and that "negative" trait only endears him to us).
Its seems any type I have had negative interactions with, I can think of really nice examples of these, or even nice things about the one I am reacting negatively to. Some of the people who have annoyed me have psychological disorders, so I agree these can be a problem. But I know plenty with disorders whom I like, so it cannot be that alone.
However, my ex's Narcissist disorder I am not fond of at all. Those people use and hurt people as part of their disorder.
I do not like judging people, who make snap judgments of others and hold onto them with no desire to understand. I just do not respect that. I do not like people who resent and hold grudges. Vicious gossips. People who hurt people. People who use people. Those qualities are most annoying to me.
That said, I feel sorry for those that do that. Those hurting others are persons who are hurting themselves. Some do it out of a choice not to forgive. Those latter are really hurting themselves the most. And oh, so much. I feel sorry for their self-imposed enslavement. I feel much more sorry for anyone hating me that I feel sorry about being hated.
I suppose that is how Jesus felt on the cross. Being omniscient, He thought of every soul who would ever live while he suffered for them, and He was so personally felt the scourge of the hate and rejection of those for whom He would die in vain because they would refuse His great love and mercy in the end. But far, far more sorry for their souls than sorry for the loss of their precious love forever in Heaven. Both, but more the latter. So much more.
For the sake of generalization, in condescending order: ESE, SLE;
IEI/EIE and LSE (sometimes)
I agree with the consensus regarding ESEs, but of course, there are always exceptions.
EIIs, ILEs, and ESEs.
in that order.
I'm suprised because I really like ESE and different kinds of them like my friend who is totally crazy (laughing all the time, doing totally crazy things) and her ex boyfriend who is much more subdued and responsible.
For me... based on the people I know that would be mostly betas extroverts and some gammas.
Same. I find them either really cool, nice, awesome people or really annoying in a sweet, motherly, smothering kind of way. But I like ESEs, though. I like everyone (who isn't a smug asshole who feels entitled to have everyone suck them off), but that's besides the point.
I change my mind ... She's SLE. Se just made me listen to this song.
The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice
the most annoying type would be type related...
Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx
the very most an-noy-ing type is the one who cannot see the supreme worth of my intellect! i have become familiar with ALL of the BEST standard philosophical ideas and I am QUITE CAPABLE of talking about them!!!!
there are so many simpletons who simply can NOT keep up with mua - i fear i will drown in mediocrity. i am quite certain i have no superiors. if i did, i would notice them.
Yeah, whatevs. Good luck with that!
"It is difficult to notice your Dual partner among all the other types and even easier to pass them by. Usually during first contact extroverts think about their introvert Dual as ordinary and simple, therefore not deserving their personal attention." -
It seems like the most annoying types are primarily extoverts.
Damn you extroverts and your extroverted ways.
Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
Enneagram Type: 5w4
Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
Instinctal Stacking: Sp/Sx Mid
Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel